March 1, 2022Tuesday COVID-19opinionresidency Pandemic experiences Op-ed: Residency during COVID The narrative of the #HealthcareHero should be updated with a more nuanced reflection on what this experience has been like for residents. DOpinion By Kate de Klerk, DO
Oct. 23, 2019Wednesday burnoutDO & student voicesDO-writtenopinion Opinion How old are you in ‘doc years’? Due to the nature of medical practice, we physicians probably do not age at a constant 1:1 rate.
March 24, 2017Friday family medicineopinion Opinion Reader letter: Over a 30-year career, I watched the health care system break Electronic health records, rules and regulations ruined primary care for me.
March 20, 2017Monday opinionpatient carepractice managementwork-life balance Health 3.0 Parody music video captures the frustrations today’s physicians face ZDoggMD remixes the hit song “7 years” as a chronicle of a career in medicine—and the challenges involved.
March 9, 2017Thursday graduate medical educationleadershipmedical specialtiesopinionresidency trainingsingle GME accreditation Single GME accreditation What it means to be “Keepers of the Flame” A message from the American Academy of Osteopathy’s president.
March 2, 2016Wednesday advocacyminority health careopinion Opinion Reflection on White Coats for Black Lives and the osteopathic medical community RowanSOM students share goals of the advocacy campaign and discuss how they resonate with the values of osteopathic medicine.
Nov. 18, 2015Wednesday opinion Opinion AOA supports efforts to reduce opioid abuse Physicians can play a role in changing the national discussion around opioid abuse and other substance abuse disorders.
Aug. 14, 2015Friday Genetically modified foodsopinion In their words DOs weigh in: Are GMOs bad for you? Four DOs share their diverse opinions on the safety of consuming genetically modified foods.
Feb. 26, 2014Wednesday opinionpatient care Patients first Reminder: Patients are our purpose, not interruptions In business, you must treat customers fairly and kindly if you expect them to return. The same goes for medicine, writes Arnold Melnick, DO.
July 31, 2013Wednesday opinionosteopathic medical education Opinion The general practitioner—time for another look? How can we balance supply and demand in primary care? One potential solution could be to revive the general practitioner.