How these DOs keep their relationships strong In celebration of Valentine’s Day, we explore how relationships grow through time and what helps physicians thrive in their relationships. Stephanie Lee, DO, MS
Diversity in Medicine Katie Arvia National Women Physicians Day spotlight: The AOA’s dynamic female leaders Celebrate National Women Physicians Day with leadership insights from AOA President Teresa A. Hubka, DO, and AOA CEO Kathleen S. Creason, MBA.
DOs to Know Angel Green, DO Q&A: The Hip-Hop Doc discusses pediatrics, working with underserved populations and dance as exercise Tyree Winters, DO, has built a career advocating for equitable health care, with a special focus on underserved communities. From pioneering dance-based fitness programs to championing diversity in medicine, Dr. Winters is committed to breaking barriers.
Diversity in Medicine Alexander Ford, DO, RD Food from the soul: A history of African American culture and nutrition Many adaptations made by necessity during slavery to traditional African foods decreased their nutritional value and compromised their inherently nutritious properties.
The DO Book Club Joan Naidorf, DO The DO Book Club, Feb. 2025: ‘Legacy: A Black Physician Reckons with Racism in Medicine’ Uché Blackstock, MD, writes about becoming a Harvard-educated emergency medicine physician and her efforts to help diversify the student body and residency training programs of a major university medical center.
Advocacy Richard Multack, DO DO breaks down life expectancy disparities of 20-plus years in the Chicago area A Chicago-based physician goes over why life expectancy varies so dramatically in different parts of Chicago and its suburbs, and he also shares recommendations for addressing this gap.
OMS Life Avery Roe, OMS IV Overcoming obstacles as a medical student: A journey of resilience Avery Roe, OMS IV, discusses the common stressors that medical students face and shares suggestions for navigating them.
Hollywood spotlight DO dermatologist Dr. Will is a cast member on NBC’s ‘Deal or No Deal Island’ As a TV veteran who has appeared on dozens of shows previously, Will Kirby, DO, brings a wealth of experience to the reality competition series.
Gold star Leapfrog’s top hospitals in each state for 2024 Leapfrog recognized 134 general, teaching, children’s and rural hospitals.
Osteopathic service The AOA’s most tenured staff member retires after 48 years of service “Delores Rodgers was instrumental in successfully growing the AOA’s CME credit system and AOA Category 1 CME Sponsor accreditation,” said AOA President Teresa A. Hubka, DO, FACOOG (Dist.).
OMED On-demand CME from past OMED conferences now available Watch or listen to AOA live conferences at your own pace and on your own time through the end of March 2025.
Accessing information Statement from leading physician groups on removal of data and guidance from federal websites "The research, data and guidance on these webpages are widely used by the more than 600,000 physicians our organizations represent," the statement notes.
Access to health care AOA urges Congress to protect Medicaid program For decades, the Medicaid program has provided health care coverage for millions of people, including children and parents, low-income adults, older adults and pregnant patients.
Standing out Weighing your options: Should you pursue a research year? Are you wondering how to stand out amongst your peers when applying for a competitive residency? Consider taking a research year.
Working toward the Match How important is research to match into your specialty? The NRMP data shows that students who have published articles in peer-reviewed journals have a higher chance of matching into a surgical residency program.
Creating your own path How this DO matched into an academic research-integrated general surgery residency program Brittany Cuff, DO, shares information about research-integrated general surgery programs and her path to a seven-year residency program at Penn State.
Medical research How to conduct research as a medical student This article will address how to conduct research as a medical student, including details on different types of research, how to go about constructing an idea and other practical advice.