April 30, 2024Tuesday audition rotationsmedical schoolrotations Travel Packing for away rotations: Here’s what is essential Stephanie Lee, OMS IV, shares a packing list of items that helped her feel ready to perform at her highest potential. OMS Life By Stephanie Lee, DO, MS
April 30, 2024Tuesday burnoutphysician burnout Thinking outside the box 6 ways to be a physician without practicing clinical medicine Christopher Behringer, DO, says a mix of clinical and nonclinical work is his professional sweet spot. He shares the benefits of this approach and tips for others who are interested in it. Career Moves By Christopher Behringer, DO
April 30, 2024Tuesday DO & student voicesmedical schoolsocial media Peer support How medical students are using social media in 2024 Today, social media networks offer valuable opportunities for med students to enhance their education, writes Margo Winter, OMS III. She also shares some of the challenges and risks of using social media as a medical student. What's Trending By Margo Winter, OMS III
April 30, 2024Tuesday The DO book clubwomen's health Women’s health The DO Book Club, May 2024: ‘Perimenopause for Dummies’ Author Rebecca Levy-Gantt, DO, provides clear and useful information about perimenopause, the transitional time that is highly common yet little understood. The DO Book Club By Joan Naidorf, DO
May 6, 2024Monday House of DelegatesNew AOA presidentOBGYN Bright outlook Get to know the AOA’s president-elect, OB-GYN Teresa A. Hubka, DO In this interview, Dr. Hubka discusses her journey as she readies herself to become the second woman president of the AOA. No Limits By Daniel J. Waters, DO, MA
April 30, 2024Tuesday dementiahealth carepatient care An ounce of prevention Preventing illness and injury: Is it ever too late to adopt a healthy lifestyle? Prevention is a key to aging healthfully. Patrick Leary, DO, discusses the current state of geriatric medicine as well as how physicians can focus on prevention with their elderly patients. DOpinion By Patrick Leary, DO, FACOFP
April 30, 2024Tuesday Double or nothing A winning pair: This brother DO duo went from wrestling to wellness Brothers Karl Nadolsky, DO, and Spencer Nadolsky, DO, blend their wrestling background with health care advocacy, combating misinformation through their podcast and collaborative efforts. DOs to Know By Alex Sher, DO, MSN, ARNP-BC
May 21, 2024Tuesday health carepolicyTIPS program TIPS program Breaking down housing equity policy in the US As an AOA Training in Policy Studies (TIPS) fellow, Aerial Petty, DO, shares how housing inequity is intricately tied to health care. Advocacy By Aerial Petty, DO
May 9, 2024Thursday financial advice Driving it home A housing and real estate guide for physicians and medical trainees In this physician housing guide, two DOs advise on crucial housing decisions, including budgeting, market analysis, exit strategies and more.
May 20, 2024Monday compensationdoctor payMedscape Money matters What physicians got paid in 2023 According to the report, compensation is highest for orthopedic surgeons, plastic surgeons and cardiologists, while PM&R physicians and neurologists saw the highest pay increases in 2023.
May 20, 2024Monday HOD 2024 News in brief AOA House of Delegates: Review proposed amendments to the AOA Constitution & Bylaws and more Proposed amendments to the AOA Articles of Incorporation, Constitution & Bylaws and Code of Ethics are now available for review.
Oct. 27, 2021Wednesday OMEDphysician burnout Supporting doctors What needs to be done to improve physicians’ mental health and reduce burnout Psychiatrist Mona Masood, DO, founder of the Physician Support Line, shares insights on physician mental health and the changes that must happen at the systemic level.
May 14, 2024Tuesday advocacyAOA advocacymedical students Supporting osteopathic trainees AOA advances grassroots advocacy for medical student parity Advocacy resulted in a prominent school of medicine reversing a decision that had excluded a DO from applying for a microsurgery and craniofacial fellowship.
May 22, 2024Wednesday OB-GYNobstetric fistula Women’s health Breaking the silence: Honoring the legacy and struggle of obstetric fistula survivors Learn more about this devastating condition, its long and dark history, and its connection to modern gynecology.
May 7, 2024Tuesday AOAcodingOMT News in brief Updated OMT coding and documentation guide is available now This guide was developed by an expert panel of osteopathic physicians along with AOA staff with expertise in coding, documentation, practice management and payor relations.
April 30, 2024Tuesday TIPS program Policy and leadership Applications for the AOA’s 2024-2025 TIPS program now being accepted Annual TIPS program offers fellows leadership training and learning opportunities.
April 30, 2024Tuesday business of medicinepatient care Patient care Compassion in medicine: It’s not just the right thing to do—it also makes the most cents Miko Rose, DO, writes about the impact of compassionate care on the economics of medicine.
May 2, 2024Thursday restless leg syndrome Patient care Nonpharmaceutical approaches to alleviating restless leg syndrome symptoms Dietary changes, massage therapy and sleep hygiene may help relieve patients’ RLS symptoms and significantly enhance their quality of life.
April 30, 2024Tuesday childrenmedical schoolmotherhoodparenting It takes a village Balancing act: Navigating motherhood in medical school As a second-year medical student and mother of a 2-year-old, I am hoping to share my experience with others who are in my position or thinking about starting a family in medical school.
April 30, 2024Tuesday DEI Diversity, equity and inclusion AOA now accepting nominations for its 2024 DEI Unification Award Awards to recognize individual and organizational contributions to DEI initiatives in the osteopathic community. Nominations are due by May 20.
April 30, 2024Tuesday In Memoriam A life in medicine In Memoriam: May 1, 2024 View the names of recently deceased osteopathic physicians.