Aug. 30, 2024Friday advocacyAOA advocacyDO Daypolicy Forward motion The long game: A progress update surrounding our DO Day asks Jason Jackson, DO, shares the advances made via DO advocacy for the REDI Act, the SAVE Act and a bill focused on strengthening Medicare. Advocacy By Jason Jackson, DO
Aug. 14, 2024Wednesday AOA advocacyTIPS program Training in Policy Studies The TIPS experience: A Q&A with DOs who put advocacy into action Two recent participants in the AOA’s Training in Policy Studies program discuss what first drew them to the program, its highlights and their advice for those interested in applying in the future. Advocacy By Aerial Petty, DO
June 27, 2024Thursday advocacyAOA advocacy DOs in Canada Advocacy win: Ontario recognizes AOA board certification and residency training The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario voted to amend its bylaws to recognize AOA board certification during a recent meeting.
May 14, 2024Tuesday advocacyAOA advocacymedical students Supporting osteopathic trainees AOA advances grassroots advocacy for medical student parity Advocacy resulted in a prominent school of medicine reversing a decision that had excluded a DO from applying for a microsurgery and craniofacial fellowship.
March 22, 2024Friday AOAAOA advocacymedical educationstudents Taking action Eliminating training barriers for DO students & residents The AOA and AACOM recently convened a Student Parity Summit focused on advancing equitable treatment of all medical students seeking rotations and training positions.
Dec. 1, 2023Friday advocacyAOA advocacymedical school DO impact Advocacy should be a medical education core competency No framework is in place within the current medical education curriculum to educate students on how to properly pursue societal health care needs. Advocacy By Gene Tekmyster, DO
June 12, 2019Wednesday AOA advocacyboard of examinersOklahoma News in brief DOs help reauthorize Oklahoma’s osteopathic medical board Without this legislation, the Oklahoma State Board of Osteopathic Examiners would have sunset in 2019.