Feb. 4, 2025Tuesday OMEDspecialties OMED On-demand CME from past OMED conferences now available Watch or listen to AOA live conferences at your own pace and on your own time through the end of March 2025.
Dec. 19, 2024Thursday OMEDOMED24patient careresearch News in brief DO experts featured on Healio, where they discuss pain medicine, social media and managing neck pain Sujan Gogu, DO, covers new advancements in pain medicine such as neuromodulation, peripheral nerve stimulation, cryoneurolysis and radiofrequency ablation.
Oct. 2, 2024Wednesday careerDO & student voicesmilitaryOMED Physician to the President White House DO shares lessons learned, advice for a fulfilling career Kevin O’Connor, DO, recently spoke at OMED24, where he discussed his trajectory from the military to the White House and what he learned from the people who helped guide him along the way.
Aug. 21, 2024Wednesday OMEDOMED24 Conference The OMED 2024 preliminary program is now available Get details about specialty college CME sessions, keynote speakers and specialized learning tracks.
June 25, 2024Tuesday OMEDOMED24 OMED 2024 Registration for OMED 2024 is now open The profession’s premier educational event will take place Sept. 20-22 in San Antonio, and will provide attendees the opportunity to earn up to 60 CME credit hours.
Dec. 6, 2023Wednesday OMED Inspiration on-demand OMED virtual program highlights DO changemakers Register for the virtual program by Dec. 15 for full access to all conference programming through Dec. 31.
Nov. 1, 2023Wednesday OMEDOMED23 OMED23 OMED23 highlights: Get the lowdown on main stage speakers, specialty tracks and Orlando magic The osteopathic medical profession’s premier education and networking event, OMED, has something for everyone. Virtual access is available through December.
Oct. 2, 2023Monday legislationnaloxoneOMED Fall updates No tricks here—just October advocacy treats! Learn about an exciting advocacy opportunity set to be announced at OMED23 and opportunities to support legislation that impacts physicians. Advocacy By Alexis Cates, DO
Oct. 27, 2021Wednesday OMEDphysician burnout Supporting doctors What needs to be done to improve physicians’ mental health and reduce burnout Psychiatrist Mona Masood, DO, founder of the Physician Support Line, shares insights on physician mental health and the changes that must happen at the systemic level.
Feb. 13, 2019Wednesday Mentor of the YearOMED News in brief Nominate your mentor for the 2019 AOA Mentor of the Year award Through March 10, the AOA is accepting nominations of DOs who have mentored, inspired and guided the next generation of physicians.