June 11, 2024Tuesday OMTpatient careresearch Osteopathic research Advancing the osteopathic profession: An introduction to CORK The Conference on Osteopathic Research and Knowledge will be holding its inaugural two-day event June 22-23 in Old Westbury, New York.
May 7, 2024Tuesday AOAcodingOMT News in brief Updated OMT coding and documentation guide is available now This guide was developed by an expert panel of osteopathic physicians along with AOA staff with expertise in coding, documentation, practice management and payor relations.
Feb. 5, 2024Monday DO & student voicesmediaOMTsocial media DO representation Examining the coverage of DOs in the mainstream media Here’s why better and more accurate representation of DOs is needed across the media spectrum. What's Trending By Alyssa Cole Mixon, DO
April 3, 2023Monday DO DayleadershipOMTvolunteer Professional updates Applications open for volunteer leadership positions, DO Day 2023 updates, new OMT designation available The AOA is now seeking volunteers for leadership positions, DO Day 2023 will take place this month and the AOA is now offering a new OMT designation.
Sept. 1, 2022Thursday medical specialtiesOMMOMT All about NMM/OMM What I wish other doctors knew about NMM/OMM I’m here to tell you why there is a specialty for something we all learn in medical school and when to refer patients to NMM/OMM specialists. The Specialist By Brian Loveless, DO