March 29, 2017Wednesday military matchthe matchvideo Matching in the military The Military Match: 3 Q&As with a student who matched with the US Army An osteopathic medical student shares his experience matching into a military residency program.
March 15, 2017Wednesday innovationleadershiposteopathic historyosteopathic medical educationvideowomen in medicine Women in history PBS documentary covers women in osteopathic medicine View the documentary online that celebrates the profession’s past, present, and future.
Jan. 19, 2017Thursday osteopathic medical educationresearchveterans healthvideo Military health care The Veterans’ Project: Documentary to raise awareness of veterans’ health care Todd Fredricks, DO, and Ohio University’s Scripps College of Communication are creating a documentary focused on veterans’ health issues.
April 29, 2016Friday burnoutmedical schoolosteopathic medical educationvideowork-life balance Student health Osteopathic medical students share burnout prevention strategies When discussing ways to prevent burnout, medical students emphasized the importance of maintaining a life outside of medicine.
April 27, 2016Wednesday pain managementprescribing opioidsvideo Let’s get clinical Nerve blocks, nitrous oxide can be more effective than opioids in treating pain, DO says Alexis LaPietra, DO, led her New Jersey ER in changing protocols to reduce opioid use. Here’s a closer look at the new protocols.
March 24, 2016Thursday mental illnessosteopathic medical educationvideo Student perspective Promoting mental health awareness: Med schools host OMS Day of Wellness Thirty-three osteopathic medical schools celebrate the OMS Day of Wellness with activities dedicated to medical student wellbeing.
Dec. 14, 2015Monday Affordable Care Acthealth care policySGRvideo Spotlight on policy Osteopathic physicians secure greater visibility on Capitol Hill The osteopathic perspective on health policy issues in Washington and state legislatures has become more sought-after than ever.
Oct. 8, 2015Thursday osteopathic medical educationresidency trainingsingle GME accreditationvideo Building Momentum Single GME transition: Your top questions answered AOA President-elect Boyd R. Buser, DO, shares the latest updates and answers questions about the single GME accreditation system.
Aug. 12, 2015Wednesday debtosteopathic medical educationvideo Money on your mind How student debt can influence physicians’ career choices Three DOs and two medical students talk about their sizable debt loads and their career decisions.
May 29, 2015Friday HIPAA securitypractice managementvideo Analyze this Safety first: How to perform a security risk assessment The patient information in your practice is one of your most valuable assets, so protecting it is a smart business move.