June 1, 2023Thursday telemedicinevideo Connecting through screens The doctor will video chat with you now: Perspectives on telehealth The idea that you can still reach and contact your physician without exposing the public to your contagious germs is appealing to many patients. What's Trending By Trevor Hogue, OMS III
Sept. 18, 2018Tuesday patient attacksvideoviolenceworkplace violence Physician Protection Violence against physicians: Facing an elevated risk Some physicians have been punched, kicked, beaten—and worse—by the patients they serve.
Sept. 4, 2018Tuesday advocacyHouse of Delegates 2018scope of practicevideo Advocacy Victories 6 recent scope of practice wins for DOs DOs continue to fight inappropriate scope of practice expansion efforts by non-physician clinicians.
Oct. 3, 2017Tuesday physician burnoutvideo Candid words On burnout: DOs and medical students open up Over the past decade, burnout rates among physicians and medical students have been growing. DOs weigh in and share their experiences.
Aug. 23, 2017Wednesday House of Delegates 2017video Prescription for excellence What makes a successful physician? DOs and medical students weigh in Watch the video to hear from physicians and medical students about what makes a physician thrive.
Aug. 9, 2017Wednesday Affordable Care Acthealth care reformHouse of Delegates 2017video Weighing in What DOs and medical students are saying about health care reform DOs and students share their diverse opinions on how they’d like to see the nation move forward with health care reform.
July 26, 2017Wednesday audition rotationHouse of Delegates 2017medical schoolvideo Rotation Success Audition rotations: 7 tips for success Arrive early, dress to impress and learn what else you can do to get the most out of your audition rotation.
June 14, 2017Wednesday video Getting the job Tips for crafting the perfect CV: Advice for residents and physicians A thoughtfully put together CV can help you make a better first impression and get you one step closer to your dream job.
May 31, 2017Wednesday graduate medical educationresidencysingle GME accreditationvideo Med ed spotlight Single GME update: Profession protects residents during transition Learn the major milestones over the past year toward the transition to a single graduate medical education accreditation system.
April 4, 2017Tuesday JAOAosteopathic medical educationpublic healthresearchvideo News in brief Public health students can help physicians improve health equity, JAOA study reports Interprofessional education may help students in clinical programs to recognize social determinants of health.