Nov. 27, 2024Wednesday communicationDO & student voicespride #DOProud The day I learned about the secret DO handshake Ian Storch, DO, recalls an illuminating conversation that helped him understand what it truly means to be a DO.
Oct. 2, 2023Monday LGBTQpride Oct. 11 Coming Out Day 2023: Celebrating pride and recognizing the complexities of identity Miko Rose, DO, and Stephanie Lee, OMS IV, discuss what it means to step into one’s authenticity. They also share a bit of their own stories of struggle and finding their own identities.
Aug. 1, 2023Tuesday health careLGBTQpride DO and LGBTQ+ pride DO podcast host discusses coming out as trans in med school and LGBTQ+ health care Torben “Ben” Hamilton, DO, is a recent medical school graduate and a proud second lieutenant in the US Army. You can catch him on the TransAtlantic Call-in Show, where he is a proud host. Diversity in Medicine By Reshma Pinnamaneni, DO
Aug. 10, 2022Wednesday osteopathic medicineprideThe DO #DOProud AOA Annual Report 2022 showcases pride campaign and The DO revamp The AOA also promoted osteopathically distinctive practice throughout the health care community and launched the My AOA mobile app.
June 19, 2019Wednesday advocacyDO & student voicesLGBTQpride In your words 5 things I’ve learned as an LGBTQ+ advocate I wanted to become the person who could have helped me when I was young and struggling with my sexuality.
June 27, 2018Wednesday lgbtpride Pride Power DO LGBTQ advocate brings message of self-acceptance and inclusion to thousands Ron Holt, DO, author, national speaker and “Ellen” audience guest, shares messages of affirmation and love in his books and his talks.