Oct. 2, 2023Monday LGBTQpride Oct. 11 Coming Out Day 2023: Celebrating pride and recognizing the complexities of identity Miko Rose, DO, and Stephanie Lee, OMS IV, discuss what it means to step into one’s authenticity. They also share a bit of their own stories of struggle and finding their own identities.
Aug. 1, 2023Tuesday health careLGBTQpride DO and LGBTQ+ pride DO podcast host discusses coming out as trans in med school and LGBTQ+ health care Torben “Ben” Hamilton, DO, is a recent medical school graduate and a proud second lieutenant in the US Army. You can catch him on the TransAtlantic Call-in Show, where he is a proud host. Diversity in Medicine By Reshma Pinnamaneni, DO
June 23, 2020Tuesday LGBTQ Patient care 6 things to know about caring for transgender patients Learn the basics about estrogen and testosterone therapy, reproductive concerns and where to find additional information.
June 19, 2019Wednesday advocacyDO & student voicesLGBTQpride In your words 5 things I’ve learned as an LGBTQ+ advocate I wanted to become the person who could have helped me when I was young and struggling with my sexuality.