Feb. 5, 2024Monday DO & student voicesmediaOMTsocial media DO representation Examining the coverage of DOs in the mainstream media Here’s why better and more accurate representation of DOs is needed across the media spectrum. What's Trending By Alyssa Cole Mixon, DO
Dec. 17, 2018Monday Grey's Anatomymediapop cultureSeinfeldtattoosTony Awards Medicine and culture Grey’s Anatomy, Seinfeld, and DO tattoos: Top pop culture and lifestyle stories Some DOs wear tattoos, others win Tony Awards, and one will forever be famous for his memorable performance in a classic children’s movie.
Oct. 4, 2016Tuesday JAOAmediapatient care Going viral Coverage of JAOA kidney stone roller coaster study spans the globe Nearly 850 news reports and counting, including the Today Show’s, have shared the study’s findings on roller coaster rides and kidney stone relief.
Oct. 29, 2014Wednesday mediaOMED 2014 Pitch Perfect Media 101: How to position yourself as a medical expert Do you see yourself as the next Dr. Sanjay Gupta? A seasoned expert shares words of wisdom on working with the media.
June 4, 2010Friday advertisingmedia Raising awareness Overlooked and underplayed: Profession fights to promote itself better Despite better press coverage of osteopathic medicine than in the past, slights and oversights persist. Take a look at what the profession is doing to boost its profile.
July 1, 2009Wednesday mediaopinion Opinion Are we that invisible? Why wasn’t osteopathic medicine mentioned in an article on lower back pain?