Weighing in

What DOs and medical students are saying about health care reform

DOs and students share their diverse opinions on how they’d like to see the nation move forward with health care reform.


Intimately involved with the health care system, osteopathic physicians and medical students have diverse and passionate opinions when it comes to heath care reform. Many feel that lawmakers need to take physicians’ voices into account when creating a plan.

In the video above, The DO talked with DOs and students to get a range of perspectives on how they’d like to see health care reform move forward. Here are some of the comments shared:

Aligning with several other physician and medical associations, the AOA has come out in favor of health care reform efforts that prioritize patient access and affordability of care.

“The AOA unequivocally believes that the primary focus of any health care reform policy should be to provide and increase access to comprehensive, affordable coverage and care. So far, the bills considered greatly jeopardized our patients’ ability to access the care they need and deserve so that they may live longer, healthier lives,” AOA President Mark A. Baker, DO said in a recent statement.

What would you want to see happen regarding health care reform? Share with us below.


  1. Paul G. Bizzle, D.O., F.A.O.A.O.

    There is NOTHING affordable about the law known as obamacare! The federal govt. needs to get out of the healthcare “business” as they have once more proven that there is absolutely, “nothing that cannot be made worse by government interference”!

  2. Dr. Bob, DO

    I personally am always going to be a patient advocate and so because of that reason, I am a supporter of a single payer health care system. I think it’s best for the patient. I don’t like the idea of a patient ever being turned away for care. ―Jordan Hitchens, DO, of Richmond Heights, Ohio

    OK, that doesn’t make sense. Advocating for patients doesn’t equate a single payer system. I certainly don’t want the government that has definitely screwed up veteran healthcare and medicare in charge of everything. Isn’t Obamacare enough evidence the government can’t do healthcare correctly? Wake up people.

  3. Howard Brooks DO

    Its nonsense to say that government can’t or doesn’t do medical care right but the insurance industry can. The rise in medical costs has been fueled by those companies. It is not in their financial interests to reduce the pot from which they take a growing percentage. They also support the payment inequalities that let the rich enjoy a better quality of care and see the major medical institutions sucking up to them. The cost of drugs, hospitals,labs, diagnostic studies, medical education and yes, even us, need to be cut back to sensible levels like western europe’s before it all melts down.

  4. Raymond Seifert, D.O.

    Single payer means rationing access and procedures. Merely look at the countries who utilize it. The UK has 50 yrs of experience and private insurance is booming and access to national health service is diminishing. The international red cross recently referred to the national health service as an international crisis. Look at the VA. Need I say more? I agree with former posts that the govt has never made anything cheaper or better.

  5. Pingback: DO Doctors and Dr. Myers comment on health care reform | Doctor Alexandra Myers DO

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