Dec. 11, 2023Monday internationalSOMA Whole-person care What we can learn from international osteopaths I recently attended the Osteopathic International Alliance conference in London. Throughout the conference, it became clear to me that while we differ in our training, at the core of everyone’s studies is excellent patient care focused on the whole person.
July 5, 2023Wednesday DO & student voicesinternationalmedical school Around the world My journey toward my dream career, as told by an international student Medicine is one of the most challenging career paths to pursue, and going through medical school alone in a foreign country seemed even more terrifying to my family.
July 1, 2022Friday internationalinternational medicinerotations Global health How to do an international rotation Katherine Marciniec, DO, shares tips on finding an international rotation and navigating COVID restrictions with different countries. OMS Life By Katherine Marciniec, DO
April 29, 2015Wednesday disaster medicineinternational A Time to Serve DO, medical students lend aid amid chaos following Nepal earthquake A Massachusetts emergency physician and two MSUCOM students join relief efforts in wake of natural disaster.
April 24, 2015Friday internationalmedical missionsvideo Mission Driven Come together: How DOs approach local, international volunteer work How do you serve others? DOs who treat underserved patients locally and internationally share their insights.
Aug. 4, 2014Monday international World View All students should serve international clinical rotations, fourth-year says Adil Manzoor, OMS IV, spent a month in Norway learning about national health care, radiology and more.
July 11, 2014Friday Hero Next Doorinternationalosteopathic manipulative medicine Pioneering Physician Hero Next Door: DO broke ground in education, South Africa Karen Steele, DO, created a new OPP-focused admin position at WVSOM. She was also the first DO registered in South Africa.
July 30, 2013Tuesday international Global Outreach Profession’s primary care initiative in China shifts gears for greater impact Since 2006, the osteopathic medical profession has been involved in efforts to train Chinese physicians in primary care.