Feb. 28, 2025Friday CMEeducationretirement The joy of learning After retiring from medicine, keeping up (for the fun of it) Daniel J. Waters, DO, MA, talks about retiring and then having the time and freedom to learn about areas of medicine outside of his specialty. Back Nine By Daniel J. Waters, DO, MA
March 25, 2024Monday educationmedical school Learning spaces What goes into designing a brand-new medical school Robert Hasty, DO, the dean of Orlando College of Osteopathic Medicine, shares how his team collaborated with an architecture firm to design the new school. OMS Life By Robert Hasty, DO
Sept. 11, 2023Monday advocacydiversity in medicineeducation Diversity Matters The impact of the Supreme Court’s recent affirmative action decision on diversity in health care A diverse health care workforce that represents the community it serves can better address the health care disparities that community faces. Advocacy By Aerial Petty, DO
March 1, 2022Tuesday educationpatient careresidencyresidency training News in brief Funding opportunity: HRSA will provide money for residency positions The HRSA will give $19.2 million to a maximum of 30 institutions. Applications are due March 31.
March 13, 2019Wednesday educationgenderMediterannean diet Research news Education, gender may affect adherence to Mediterranean diet, study finds Women are three times more likely than men to follow the diet, while college grads are seven times more likely, according to research in The JAOA.
March 5, 2015Thursday educationresearchtechnologyvideo Listen up DO podcast hosts question medicine—and say you should, too Produced by two residents, the Questioning Medicine podcast encourages healthy skepticism of medical convention.
April 24, 2014Thursday educationprofessional development Head of the class Knowledge is power: An extra degree often pays off, DOs say Looking to add more initials to your name? DOs share their advice on earning MBAs, MPHs and JDs.