Jan. 14, 2025Tuesday burnoutCMEwebinar CME Upcoming AOIA webinar aims to help physicians who feel ‘stuck’ Speaker Neil H. Baum, MD, will provide guidance on overcoming malaise at work in this Jan. 21 webinar at 8 p.m. CT.
June 7, 2021Monday CME News in brief OMED 2020 CME self-study courses now available in 6 specialties Watch or listen to AOA live conferences at your own pace and on your own time and earn AOA Category 1-A credit.
Oct. 1, 2019Tuesday CME Lifelong learning Managing heart failure? Learn the latest treatment options for this condition Free one-hour CME course will review clinical practice guidelines for novel therapies in heart failure.
Nov. 27, 2018Tuesday CME Moving Forward Proposed CME requirements for the 2019-2021 cycle ready for your comments Check out the proposed CME requirements for AOA board certification in your specialty.
Sept. 19, 2017Tuesday CME News in Brief Free teen substance use disorder CME course available Learn about preventing and addressing teen substance use in this continuing medical education course.
July 12, 2017Wednesday AOACMEosteopathic manipulative treatmentpractice management Online Learning How to maximize your reimbursement for OMT Learn to expand treatment options for your patients, increase your revenue, and earn CME credit in this new webinar.
May 23, 2017Tuesday CMEobesityosteopathic approach Weighty conversations Helping patients overcome obesity: A CME update Obesity is an endocrine-related disease, not a matter of willpower.
March 3, 2017Friday CME Lifelong learning The future of CME: Interactive, online and on-demand Continuing medical education is evolving to address physicians’ varying learning styles.
Sept. 12, 2016Monday CMEpediatrics Creating strong bonds New CME module: Gauging social-emotional development in young patients The AOA and Erikson Institute collaborate on the second in a series of three educational modules focused on early childhood development.
Oct. 13, 2015Tuesday CME Ride and Learn ‘Your brain learns while your legs burn’: New event melds bicycling, CME Challenging bicycle rides and small-group learning are the hallmarks of this unique CME event.