CME Upcoming AOIA webinar aims to help physicians who feel ‘stuck’ Speaker Neil H. Baum, MD, will provide guidance on overcoming malaise at work in this Jan. 21 webinar at 8 p.m. CT. Jan. 14, 2025TuesdayJanuary 2025 issue The DO Staff Contact The DO Staff Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email Topics burnoutCMEwebinar On Jan. 21, the AOIA will be hosting a live continuing medical education (CME) webinar at 8 p.m. CT called “Beating Back the Blahs,” which will focus on burnout among mid-career physicians and provide guidance on how to overcome these feelings. This is the third webinar in the “Regaining the Joy of Practicing Medicine” series, and will feature speaker Neil H. Baum, MD. According to a Gallup survey, only one-third of U.S. physicians feel engaged at work, and roughly one in three consistently bring a high level of initiative, commitment, passion and productivity to their jobs, leaving many feeling unsatisfied. This webinar aims to help physicians learn tools to combat these feelings and let them know what options are available for moving forward. The webinar is $20 for students and residents, $60 for members and $85 for nonmembers. Attending the webinar will earn attendees 1 AOA CME 2A credit. Interested physicians can enroll in the webinar at the AOA Online Learning site. More in Profession DO is CMO of DOE, DO advocates for GME in Iowa, nominations open soon for AOA Distinguished Service Awards Lt. Col. Scott Everson, DO, MPH, recently joined the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) as the agency’s chief medical officer. The AOA’s most tenured staff member retires after 48 years of service “Delores Rodgers was instrumental in successfully growing the AOA’s CME credit system and AOA Category 1 CME Sponsor accreditation,” said AOA President Teresa A. Hubka, DO, FACOOG (Dist.). Previous articleThe DO Book Club, Jan. 2025: ‘Hey, Kiddo’ Next articleDOs impacted by recent natural disasters can apply for disaster relief grants from AOF
DO is CMO of DOE, DO advocates for GME in Iowa, nominations open soon for AOA Distinguished Service Awards Lt. Col. Scott Everson, DO, MPH, recently joined the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) as the agency’s chief medical officer.
The AOA’s most tenured staff member retires after 48 years of service “Delores Rodgers was instrumental in successfully growing the AOA’s CME credit system and AOA Category 1 CME Sponsor accreditation,” said AOA President Teresa A. Hubka, DO, FACOOG (Dist.).