July 1, 2022Friday burnoutcareerphysician burnout Making career moves Physician burnout and the transition to nonclinical careers In addition to the pandemic, the grueling hours, physical demands and mental challenges of modern medicine have been driving physicians’ exodus from clinical healthcare. Burnout By Undine Vallejos, DO
May 1, 2022Sunday burnouthealth carephysician burnout Defining burnout Is burnout the correct term to use? To move forward and advocate for change, it is imperative that we come to a consensus and unite on a standardized term. Burnout By Vania Manipod, DO
Oct. 30, 2019Wednesday burnout Professional satisfaction 6 ways to reduce doctor burnout at the systemic level New National Academy of Medicine report urges health care organizations, educators and entities to address clinician burnout.
Oct. 23, 2019Wednesday burnoutDO & student voicesDO-writtenopinion Opinion How old are you in ‘doc years’? Due to the nature of medical practice, we physicians probably do not age at a constant 1:1 rate.
Sept. 25, 2019Wednesday burnout Research news Rural family doctors are less burned out, small study finds Little research is available on burnout rates in rural vs. urban areas. A pilot study found significantly lower burnout rates among rural physicians.
May 28, 2019Tuesday burnoutdepressionmental health Medical education How this Texas DO became a voice for mental health as a med student After battling depression as a first year, Parker Murray, DO, launched a mental health advocacy group to encourage fellow students to seek help.
April 17, 2019Wednesday burnoutDO & student voices Commentary Restoring joy in the exam room: A DO’s secret While in residency, I’ve made a small change that has reduced my feelings of burnout and made clinic very tolerable and—dare I say it—happy for me.
March 6, 2019Wednesday burnoutdepressionresidency Speaking out DO’s memoir of her traumatic residency experience adapted into stage play Frances Southwick, DO, who suffered from depression during intern year, writes about an unrelenting workload and unrealistic expectations in ‘Prognosis Poor’.
Feb. 20, 2019Wednesday burnoutmusicplaylist Opinion Beating fatigue with beats: How music motivates me when I’m dragging Music has been my constant companion in med school. It helps me when I’m not “feeling it” and even reduces my anxiety. Here are the playlists and songs that work for me.
Jan. 22, 2019Tuesday burnoutphysician burnout Systemic struggles With nearly half of doctors burned out, US is in a public health crisis, reports find Medscape and the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health reveal details about the current state of doctor burnout and offer solutions.