Nov. 30, 2023Thursday Defending DOs AOA responds to ‘The View’ regarding misleading comments “Comments implying that DOs are not medical doctors could not be further from the truth,” reads the AOA response to producers of the show.
Nov. 7, 2023Tuesday doctor payphysician payment Advocacy in action AOA takes action to prevent physician payment cuts The AOA is focusing on the Strengthening Medicare for Patients and Providers Act.
Oct. 2, 2023Monday mental health A welcome change Physicians and mental health: Making medical license applications less punitive to doctors who seek help The licensing process has become more compassionate in many states, but there is more work to be done in this area. Here’s how you can help. Burnout By Vania Manipod, DO
Oct. 2, 2023Monday legislationnaloxoneOMED Fall updates No tricks here—just October advocacy treats! Learn about an exciting advocacy opportunity set to be announced at OMED23 and opportunities to support legislation that impacts physicians. Advocacy By Alexis Cates, DO
Sept. 20, 2023Wednesday MSU shooting Preventing tragedies Shots heard across the nation: Taking steps to avert mass shootings in our schools Associate Professor Miko Rose, DO, recounts being in East Lansing during and after the Michigan State University mass shooting. She also discusses steps we can all take to prevent future violence.
Sept. 11, 2023Monday advocacydiversity in medicineeducation Diversity Matters The impact of the Supreme Court’s recent affirmative action decision on diversity in health care A diverse health care workforce that represents the community it serves can better address the health care disparities that community faces. Advocacy By Aerial Petty, DO
Aug. 28, 2023Monday advocacysocial support Disaster relief Maui wildfire devastation: How to help The AOA and the American Osteopathic Foundation (AOF) have connected with officials in Hawaii, who shared details about current recovery efforts and needs. While the recovery from this disaster will be a marathon, the sprint to help can start now.
Aug. 1, 2023Tuesday advocacypostpartumpregnancy Maternal health Safer meds for moms and babies: Bill aims to include pregnant and lactating people in more clinical trials The pregnant or lactating person is responsible for making decisions for both themselves and the developing fetus or young child—they should have the option to obtain informed consent to proceed in a clinical trial if they desire. Advocacy By Alexis Cates, DO
Aug. 1, 2023Tuesday advocacydebtUS News Money matters The Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023: What is it, and how does it impact health care? In order for the bill to pass, senators from both parties proposed amendments that would further limit spending or remove other policy provisions. Advocacy By Aerial Petty, DO
June 1, 2023Thursday DO & student voicesDO DayDO Day on Capitol Hill Advocacy in action DO Day 2023 in review This year’s DO Day discussions focused on three major issues: Protecting access to patient care through Medicare physician payment reform, expansion of graduate medical education funding through the THCGME program and encouraging student loan reform. Advocacy By Alexis Cates, DO