March 26, 2025Wednesday Best and worst statesjobsphysicians State by state The best and worst states for doctors in 2025 For the second year in a row, Montana leads WalletHub’s annual list, while Hawaii comes in last. See where your state landed.
March 25, 2025Tuesday AOA AwardsawardsMentor of the Year News in brief AOA seeks nominations for 2025’s Mentor of the Year award Have an exceptional DO role model in your life who deserves recognition? Consider nominating them for this award. Nominations will be accepted until April 11, 2025.
March 12, 2025Wednesday physiciansPresidential Leadership Presidential care Decorated Navy DO is named Physician to the President Capt. Sean Barbabella, DO, is the third consecutive osteopathic physician to serve in the role in the White House Medical Unit.
March 4, 2025Tuesday In Memoriam A life in medicine In Memoriam: March 2025 View the names of recently deceased osteopathic physicians.
March 3, 2025Monday AOACMEpatient carewebinar CME Upcoming AOIA webinar to address preventing and managing conflicts with patients The webinar will occur on March 13 at 7 p.m. CT and will also cover handling conflicts with regulators and lawyers.
Feb. 25, 2025Tuesday In MemoriamOBGYN A life in medicine In Memoriam: Former AOBOG board member, William Stanley Jr., DO Dr. Stanley, better known by his friends and patients as “Doc,” was appointed to and served as both a member and examiner on the AOBOG and was a clinical assistant professor at MSUCOM.
Feb. 25, 2025Tuesday Medscapemental healthwellness Physician wellness Physician burnout is slowly improving, but still remains stubbornly high, Medscape report finds Roughly 47% of doctors surveyed said they were experiencing burnout; the report also examined work-life balance, happiness and health.
Feb. 18, 2025Tuesday Presidential Leadershipradiology Leadership A DO is president of the Michigan Radiological Society for the first time in the organization’s history Rocky Saenz, DO, is the 104th president of the MRS.
Feb. 18, 2025Tuesday professional updates DOs making a difference DO is CMO of DOE, DO advocates for GME in Iowa, nominations open soon for AOA Distinguished Service Awards Lt. Col. Scott Everson, DO, MPH, recently joined the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) as the agency’s chief medical officer.
Feb. 10, 2025Monday AOACMEretirement Osteopathic service The AOA’s most tenured staff member retires after 48 years of service “Delores Rodgers was instrumental in successfully growing the AOA’s CME credit system and AOA Category 1 CME Sponsor accreditation,” said AOA President Teresa A. Hubka, DO, FACOOG (Dist.).