Aug. 4, 2021Wednesday disinformationJOMmisinformation Managing misinformation Doctors can keep abreast of online misinformation campaigns to help dispel them, researcher says COVID-19 vaccine misinformation led to a nearly 35,000% jump in Google searches about infertility.
May 5, 2021Wednesday colorectal cancerJournal of Osteopathic Medicinescreenings Screening for screenings New JOM research reveals disparities in colorectal cancer screenings Patients with no comorbidities or more than five comorbidities are the least likely to be screened.
March 29, 2021Monday CDC TipsFree resourcessmoking cessationTips From Former Smokers Tipping the scale Free smoking cessation resources available from the CDC Campaign tells the stories of people living with smoking-related diseases and those caring for them to help others quit smoking.
March 17, 2021Wednesday diabetesType 2 diabetesyouth Caring for kids Aggressive intervention recommended to prevent pediatric diabetes, review concludes Type 2 diabetes is a growing risk for America’s young people, researchers note.
March 3, 2021Wednesday COVID-19scent detection dogs The nose knows Scent detection dogs can identify individuals with COVID-19, research finds The use of trained scent detection dogs to detect volatile organic compounds associated with the COVID virus shows promise in early studies.
Feb. 1, 2021Monday concussionJournal of Osteopathic Medicine Body, mind, spirit Following revised concussion guidelines can shorten duration of symptoms, study finds The median length of concussion symptoms dropped from one month to one week in female athletes, 11 to five days in male athletes.
Dec. 16, 2020Wednesday diabetessocial support Family matters Social support linked to success in managing diabetes, JAOA research suggests Providing social support services for patients with Type 2 diabetes may improve care outcomes.
Oct. 7, 2020Wednesday chronic painJAOAmeditationresearchyoga Non-pharmaceutical options Yoga and meditation can reduce chronic pain, research finds Participants in an eight-week mindfulness-based stress reduction course reported significant improvement in levels of pain, depression and disability.
Sept. 30, 2020Wednesday maternal healthopioidspostpartum Rethinking the Rx Research reveals women are often overprescribed opioids after childbirth Excessive prescriptions can harm families and communities and increase opioid availability, researchers note.
June 2, 2020Tuesday medical schoolmedical specialtiesosteopathic medical education Predicting primary care Women are almost twice as likely to choose primary care as men, study finds Researchers review the influences on medical students’ choice of specialty with the goal of improving the primary care pipeline.