Feb. 5, 2014Wednesday residency training Training Debate Practicing after one year of GME: Is it feasible? Should it be? Some argue that three years of GME is excessive. Yet physicians who skip residency face a number of hurdles, especially when it comes to employment.
Feb. 5, 2014Wednesday medical school Expanding patient care New school aims to meld Christian worldview, dedication to underserved The Liberty University College of Osteopathic Medicine in Lynchburg, Va., looks to address physician shortages in Appalachia.
Feb. 3, 2014Monday patient carepractice managementscope of practice Building the team DOs weigh effective use of physician extenders in delivering quality care Mid-level clinicians are helping many DOs thrive financially and provide better care in today’s red-tape-burdened medical climate.
Dec. 4, 2013Wednesday family medicinerural medicine Family Matters Rural family medicine alive and well at several osteopathic medical schools Educators at rural-focused schools have adopted a multipronged strategy for encouraging students to pursue rural family medicine.
Nov. 1, 2013Friday emergency medicineHero Next Doorurgent care Making a difference Hero Next Door: DO establishes network of urgent care centers for underserved Raised by his great-great grandmother in rural Mississippi, Eugene Allen, DO, grew up understanding the effects of poverty.
Oct. 31, 2013Thursday neurosurgeryspecialties An Open Frontier How to become a neurosurgeon Neurosurgeons are not necessarily smarter or more dexterous than physicians in other demanding surgical specialties.
Sept. 25, 2013Wednesday occupational medicinespecialties Making it Work Nice work—and you can get it: Outlook good in occupational medicine Occupational and preventive medicine specialists enjoy comfortable work-life balance, varied career options and bright job prospects.
Sept. 6, 2013Friday medical specialtiesproctologyurology Sensitive Subject Proctologists, urologists need compassion, sensitivity—and humor Both urology and proctology are sought-after for the variety and work-life balance they offer.
Aug. 2, 2013Friday graduate medical educationmedical specialtiesosteopathic medical educationpsychiatry ‘Wide-open field’ A beautiful mind: Psychiatry attracts those intrigued by the human psyche Psychiatrists need to be great listeners and have tremendous curiosity about patients’ lives.
July 30, 2013Tuesday international Global Outreach Profession’s primary care initiative in China shifts gears for greater impact Since 2006, the osteopathic medical profession has been involved in efforts to train Chinese physicians in primary care.