Dec. 4, 2014Thursday professional developmentpsychiatrysports medicine Man with a plan Want to succeed in DO, MD worlds? A sports psychiatrist shares his story David Baron, DO, rose to prominence in the MD realm while retaining—and celebrating—his osteopathic heritage. Here’s what he did.
Nov. 25, 2014Tuesday medical schoolpremedsresidency This time, it’s personal Personal statement advice: Tell a story, experts say Effective personal statements tell a concise but vivid story about an applicant’s uniqueness and suitability for a career in medicine.
Oct. 28, 2014Tuesday OMED 2014pediatrics Building Resilience Working with abused children: A crash course At OMED 2014, pediatrician Kenneth R. Ginsburg, MD, shared insights for gaining the trust of abused children.
Oct. 27, 2014Monday correctional medicineOMED 2014 Patients Versus Inmates Correctional medicine is on the cutting edge of public health, DO says Physicians who work with inmates treat the most underserved segment of the population, says John Mills, DO, MPH.
Oct. 6, 2014Monday HIVinfectious diseaseslgbt Safer sex What physicians need to know about Truvada, the HIV prevention drug Recently endorsed by the CDC, Truvada is the first FDA-approved HIV prevention drug. Learn the guidelines for prescribing it.
Oct. 6, 2014Monday JAOAresearch ‘A Patient’s Doctor’ Mayo Clinic leader brings patient-focused research expertise to the JAOA In his research, JAOA Editor-In-Chief Robert Orenstein, DO, aims to improve clinical outcomes. He wants JAOA articles to do the same.
July 11, 2014Friday osteopathic manipulative treatmentpain management Primary Care When patients have back pain: Identify cause, intervene carefully How to treat back pain depends to a large extent on the chronicity of the problem, says expert John C. Licciardone, DO.
June 2, 2014Monday medical schoolprofessional development Learning Curve Grads: DOs tell you a few things you probably didn’t learn in med school Because there is no way to learn everything a doctor needs to know during training, lifelong learning is a critical skill for physicians.
May 28, 2014Wednesday accountable care organizationsMedicare Coordinated Care ACO chairman: Networked providers a boon for cost control, reimbursement Extra money is intended for reinvestment, helps pay for EHRs, additional staff, says New Jersey’s Ira Monka, DO, MHA.
May 2, 2014Friday chronic disease management Heart Health Uncover all risk factors early to prevent cardiovascular disease Primary care physicians don’t know enough about heart disease and should use more tests to identify potential problems, DOs say.