Dec. 27, 2016Tuesday infectious diseases News in Brief Ground floor: TouroCOM-Harlem professor played role in Ebola research Kathleen DiCaprio, PhD, reacts to new research findings on the Ebola vaccine she helped create.
Nov. 17, 2016Thursday antibiotic resistanceHow I Practiceinfectious diseases Bright future DO and NAM fellow receives $450K grant to study antibiotic resistance Jennie H. Kwon, DO, MSCI, is the 2016 National Academy of Medicine Osteopathic Medicine Fellow and the recipient of a $450K CDC grant.
March 7, 2016Monday infectious diseaseszika News in brief Podcast: How will the Zika virus affect the 2016 Summer Olympics? James Lally, DO, team physician for the U.S. Olympics shooting team, joins podcast discussion on how the Zika virus could impact this summer’s Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro.
Feb. 24, 2016Wednesday infectious diseaseszika News in Brief Barriers complicate Zika testing process Current testing options are difficult to obtain and may not offer foolproof results.
Feb. 23, 2016Tuesday infectious diseaseszika Weighing the risks The Zika dilemma: Do patients need to cancel Spring Break plans? Calling off travel plans may be only be necessary for those at high risk for severe complications, DO says.
Feb. 17, 2016Wednesday infectious diseasespatient care News in Brief President Obama seeks almost $2 billion to fight the Zika virus Request to Congress to fund research and diagnostic tests for the virus comes on the heels of first transmitted case in the U.S.
Feb. 4, 2016Thursday infectious diseases Global Crisis Answering your patients’ top questions about the Zika virus DOs break down what you need to know about the global health emergency.
Dec. 4, 2014Thursday HIVinfectious diseases Early crusader Hero Next Door: N.Y. DO battled AIDS crisis with education James Braun, DO, started the Physicians’ Research Network in 1990. It quickly became an unparalleled source for HIV education.
Oct. 29, 2014Wednesday infectious diseasesOMED 2014 Containing a Crisis Video: How concerned are you about Ebola? While some DOs question the nation’s readiness to tackle Ebola, others say they aren’t worried about the virus.
Oct. 6, 2014Monday HIVinfectious diseaseslgbt Safer sex What physicians need to know about Truvada, the HIV prevention drug Recently endorsed by the CDC, Truvada is the first FDA-approved HIV prevention drug. Learn the guidelines for prescribing it.