Aug. 10, 2017Thursday chronic disease managementcodingpractice management Practice Management CMS wants to pay you for chronic care management CMS adds billing codes to compensate physicians who manage patients with two or more chronic conditions.
Dec. 15, 2015Tuesday chronic disease managementdiabetes Chronic disease focus New cases of diabetes are declining in the US, CDC reports Experts caution that this good news may not be as straightforward as it seems. The nation has a long way to go to manage this epidemic, they say.
April 17, 2015Friday addiction medicinebedside mannerchronic disease managementpatient care Hard work Handle with care: How to deal with 4 types of difficult patients Redirection, compassionate listening and boundary-setting are just a few tactics DOs employ when working with challenging patients.
May 2, 2014Friday chronic disease management Heart Health Uncover all risk factors early to prevent cardiovascular disease Primary care physicians don’t know enough about heart disease and should use more tests to identify potential problems, DOs say.
April 3, 2014Thursday chronic disease managementdiabetespatient care Managing Diabetes DOs share advice on managing patients with diabetes mellitus “The distinction between type 1 and type 2 is very much blurring, which is across-the-board confusing to physicians and patients,” DO says.
March 11, 2014Tuesday asthmachronic disease managementpatient care Managing Asthma Avoiding pitfalls in caring for patients with asthma Although the disease is under-diagnosed overall, many physicians make an initial diagnosis of asthma too readily.
April 3, 2013Wednesday chronic disease managementpatient care Getting results Small steps to get healthy: How DOs inspire behavior changes in patients Physicians can boost patient compliance by listening and leading by example, says endocrinologist Kari A. Hortos, DO.