Feb. 29, 2024Thursday DO & student voicesmedical schoolnontraditional students Unique pathways Is it ever too late to attend medical school? A nontraditional student shares her thoughts Yasi Arabi, OMS III, has advised many students who are concerned that age may be a barrier to attending med school. Here’s what she tells them.
Feb. 5, 2024Monday DO & student voicesmediaOMTsocial media DO representation Examining the coverage of DOs in the mainstream media Here’s why better and more accurate representation of DOs is needed across the media spectrum. What's Trending By Alyssa Cole, DO
Feb. 1, 2024Thursday advocacyDO & student voicespatient care Connecting with others The benefits of learning another language for patient care “One of the things I love most about my work is being able to communicate with my patients in their native language,” writes Taiwo Ajumobi, DO.
Jan. 31, 2024Wednesday clerkshipsDO & student voicesmedical school Guiding future DOs How to develop more clerkships for osteopathic medical students Miko Rose, DO, shares the insider’s tips and tricks that have historically resulted in the most success in securing clerkships for her students. She also shares a few lessons she’s learned along the way.
Jan. 2, 2024Tuesday communicationDO & student voices An absence of words The power of silence in patient care and human connection “Silence can create an opening for emotions to flow without detours, suppression or blockage,” writes Stephanie Lee, OMS IV. “It is a channel of communication that is understated.”
Jan. 2, 2024Tuesday DO & student voicesfamilymedical school Relationships How to stay connected with your loved ones and yourself during medical school We are humans, and we must be fed, watered and nurtured. One of the main things that we need most is to connect and stay connected—with other people and with ourselves.
Jan. 2, 2024Tuesday DO & student voicesgoalsNew Year's Goal-setting New Year’s Resolutions—Are they worth the bother? Let’s take a look at some of the benefits of goal-setting and talk about steps we can take to set ourselves up for success in achieving our goals.
Dec. 1, 2023Friday DO & student voices Wrapping up 2023 DOs and DO students on The DO’s advisory board share their fave books, movies, food and more from 2023 If you’ll have time off for the holidays and could use ideas for entertainment, cooking and stress relief, this article has many great options that are recommended by your peers.
Nov. 1, 2023Wednesday DO & student voicesemergency medicineresidency Workforce trends Fewer physicians are pursuing emergency medicine A longtime EM attending physician and a former emergency department leader discuss the potential reasons for the lack of interest in EM and the future outlook for the specialty.
Nov. 1, 2023Wednesday DO & student voicesnew physicianswork-life balance Work-life balance ‘Physician’ as identity vs. a position in the workforce: What generational differences may teach us all A sense of well-being, connected relationships and time to pursue physical fitness, connection to nature and social justice projects are all primary values for this upcoming generation of future physicians.