Body, mind, spirit Is there value in the osteopathic approach to care? From OMT to the Triple Aim of modern health care, let’s examine whether osteopathic medicine adds value to the house of medicine. June 1, 2022WednesdayJune 2022 issue The DO Distinction Brian Loveless, DO Brian Loveless, DO, is the chief medical officer of WesternU Health. Contact Dr. Loveless
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I’ve been an osteopathic physician for 50 years (PCOM ’72), a co-founder (’96) and past-president of the American Board of Holistic Medicine (’02-’04), and past-president of the American Holistic Medical Association (’96-’99). I’ve been promoting Osteopathic Medicine and Dr. Still as the “founders of Holistic Medicine” for nearly 30 years. I enjoyed reading Dr. Loveless’ article, and would like to serve on your Advisory Board if you have an opening. Jun. 16, 2022, at 5:37 pm Reply
My private practice the Falcon Clinic for health, wellness, and recovery incorporates the concepts of osteopathic philosophy as well as osteopathic manipulative medicine on a daily basis. Daily feedback from patients supports the idea that an integrative approach, empathy, use of the musculoskeletal system as a conduit to self regulatory systems such as the immune system, hormonal system, and the neurologic system, and circulatory system (especially than lymphatic and venous systems) is powerful and has incredible value. I could go on for hours talking about the osteopathic, holistic concepts as opposed to the mechanistic, reductionistic, pharmacologic centered paradigm controlled by corporate medicine and insurance today. Basically I would say the later approach is, at times overly expensive, irrational and, sometimes, a tragedy. Jun. 19, 2022, at 5:11 pm Reply
While I agree with most of your concepts, I will take issue with the assumption that “OMT/OMM does not define Osteopathic Medicine”. We write board questions about the “primacy of the musculoskeletal system in all diseases.” Also how would the Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine compare to the Allopathic Colleges without the OMM department? I hope all DO’s weigh in on this most needed subject. Thanks for discussing it!!! Jun. 26, 2022, at 11:46 am Reply