Diversity matters Black History Month: Recognizing the Black DOs I looked up to during my medical training Black doctors such as AOA Past President William Anderson, DO, and DeAundre Dyer, DO, serve as examples to underrepresented minorities in medicine as they live their truth and push boundaries. Feb. 1, 2023WednesdayFebruary 2023 issue Diversity in Medicine Alexander Ford, DO, RD Alexander Ford is a registered dietitian and family medicine resident. Contact Dr. Ford
Osteopathic physicians and students connect with international osteopaths in Australia Cassandra Holub, OMS IV, shares insights from the 2024 Osteopathic International Alliance conference.
I love what you are doing as it very much encouraging for Black students who only need some one that cares. Like me. I am willing… if there is a desire and motivation I will help where I can. Feb. 9, 2023, at 12:43 pm Reply
I am honored to be mentioned in the same sentence as Dr. Anderson. My goals in medicine have always been to make sure other feel seen and to ensure any opportunity afforded to me is available to the next. Thank you Alex for your hard work and excellence. Feb. 9, 2023, at 5:46 pm Reply
Great article Dr. Ford! I too had the pleasure of meeting Dr. Anderson along the way and he was a great inspiration in my pursuit of osteopathic medicine. Feb. 10, 2023, at 6:33 am Reply