March 18, 2025Tuesday advocacyvaccinationsvaccines Public health Why ensuring continued access to vaccines is essential to the health of America Jason Jackson, DO, shares tips for supporting pro-vaccine policies and working with patients who express skepticism or hesitancy about vaccines. Advocacy By Jason Jackson, DO
Feb. 13, 2025Thursday Access to health care AOA urges Congress to protect Medicaid program For decades, the Medicaid program has provided health care coverage for millions of people, including children and parents, low-income adults, older adults and pregnant patients.
Feb. 12, 2025Wednesday advocacyDO & student voicespatient care Letter to the editor DO breaks down life expectancy disparities of 20-plus years in the Chicago area A Chicago-based physician goes over why life expectancy varies so dramatically in different parts of Chicago and its suburbs, and he also shares recommendations for addressing this gap. Advocacy By Richard Multack, DO
Jan. 8, 2025Wednesday advocacyelectionhistory Health care policy A closer look at the 2024 election and osteopathic medicine’s advocacy wins The 2024 election cycle was a unique one as Americans saw not just one but multiple moments of history being made and new records set across parties and states. Advocacy By Aerial Petty, DO
Dec. 2, 2024Monday advocacyDO DayDO Day on Capitol Hill Advocacy BEL DO Day Scholarship applications due Dec. 20 The AOIA is looking for scholarship candidates who want to become more involved in medical advocacy and public policy.
Oct. 22, 2024Tuesday advocacyAOA advocacyHOD 2024House of Delegates Making strides Why we are advocating for residency unions and access to opioid reversal drugs Brittany Garza, DO, and Kyra Powers, OMS II, share their experience at the AOA’s 2024 House of Delegates meeting, where they advocated for policies supporting patient care, physicians and trainees. Advocacy By Brittany Garza, DO
Aug. 30, 2024Friday advocacyAOA advocacyDO Daypolicy Forward motion The long game: A progress update surrounding our DO Day asks Jason Jackson, DO, shares the advances made via DO advocacy for the REDI Act, the SAVE Act and a bill focused on strengthening Medicare. Advocacy By Jason Jackson, DO
Aug. 14, 2024Wednesday AOA advocacyTIPS program Training in Policy Studies The TIPS experience: A Q&A with DOs who put advocacy into action Two recent participants in the AOA’s Training in Policy Studies program discuss what first drew them to the program, its highlights and their advice for those interested in applying in the future. Advocacy By Aerial Petty, DO
Aug. 5, 2024Monday advocacy Supporting osteopathic physicians and students AOA Annual Report charts successes of past year Highlights include public policy advocacy efforts to decrease regulatory burdens for physicians and expand the impact of the profession at the federal and state policymaking levels.
Aug. 1, 2024Thursday advocacyhealth carehealth care policymoney Providing relief The burden of medical debt: How the government is trying to defray it Forgiving medical debt could lead to improved health care outcomes for many Americans, writes Chirag Shah, OMS II. Advocacy By Chirag Shah, OMS II