Oct. 17, 2023Tuesday emergency medicinehalloweenresidency October chills Halloween horror in the ED—Scary happenings during residency Despite my limited experience in residency, I have already encountered some scary stories to share, along with reviews of treatment options and some warnings we can all heed.
June 1, 2023Thursday DO & student voicesfinancial advicegraduation Money matters Taking control of your finances after graduating from med school Now is the time to start thinking about your loans and getting your finances in order while you spend the next few years learning how to be a doctor.
March 13, 2023Monday gift guideNational Doctors Day Celebrating physicians Top 10 gifts for National Doctors’ Day Being a physician is often a thankless job, and it is nice to be reminded that we are appreciated. Here is a gift guide to get the doctor in your life something they will love.
July 1, 2022Friday internationalinternational medicinerotations Global health How to do an international rotation Katherine Marciniec, DO, shares tips on finding an international rotation and navigating COVID restrictions with different countries. OMS Life By Katherine Marciniec, DO