Feb. 26, 2014Wednesday opinionpatient care Patients first Reminder: Patients are our purpose, not interruptions In business, you must treat customers fairly and kindly if you expect them to return. The same goes for medicine, writes Arnold Melnick, DO.
May 15, 2012Tuesday opinionosteopathic history Opinion What we ‘knew’ then Medical history tells us that much of what we “know” to be true today may be proved false in the future.
May 26, 2010Wednesday communicationopinion Opinion Two openings—one wrong, one right “Our goal, if we are to be real healers, is to welcome the patient, show interest and show concern—all in that one opening sentence,” Arnold Melnick, DO, writes.
Feb. 4, 2010Thursday patient carewhite coats Fashion statement Clothes do communicate in hospitals In the era of informality, hospital employees apparently wear whatever they wish. Now, even a sharp administrator cannot decipher who is who.
July 1, 2009Wednesday communicationMedicareopinion Opinion Medicare: Communication or confusion? Even as a fairly knowledgeable professional, I have great difficulty with the “information” Medicare provides and often do not understand it.