Professional updates Applications open for volunteer leadership positions, DO Day 2023 updates, new OMT designation available The AOA is now seeking volunteers for leadership positions, DO Day 2023 will take place this month and the AOA is now offering a new OMT designation. April 3, 2023MondayApril 2023 issue The DO Staff Contact The DO Staff Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email Topics DO DayleadershipOMTvolunteer The osteopathic profession continues making strides thanks to the many wonderful DOs and osteopathic medical students who excel in their roles. Following are some recent professional recognitions and accomplishments the profession is currently celebrating. AOA now accepting applications for volunteer leadership positions The appointment process for volunteer leadership positions on AOA bureaus, committees and councils is now open. AOA president-elect Ira P. Monka, DO, is seeking volunteer leaders to serve on these important governing bodies that help shape AOA programs and policies. Members of the osteopathic professional family and AOA-affiliated groups are encouraged to apply to serve for the 2023-24 term. Read the descriptions of the leadership opportunities and submit your application(s) by Monday, May 1, 2023, to be considered (please note that you must be an AOA member to be appointed). Appointment notifications will be sent via email in August 2023. Please email [email protected] with any questions or for more information. DO Day 2023 to take place later this month Join the AOA for the osteopathic profession’s largest public policy and advocacy event of the year, DO Day! Hosted annually in conjunction with National Osteopathic Medicine (NOM) Week (April 17-23, 2023), DO Day offers unparalleled opportunities to hone leadership skills and educate members of Congress on issues that matter most to osteopathic medical professionals and their patients. On April 15-16, virtual participants can attend general sessions on the main stage, CME sessions and a general session that will provide training and legislative overviews. This year’s keynote speakers are Donna Brazile and Charlie Cook. Following the virtual events, participants can join their colleagues in-person in Washington, D.C., on April 19-20 for congressional meetings, prep sessions, an awards ceremony and more. For a detailed outline of daily events, please view the DO Day 2023 schedule. Additionally, please email [email protected] with any questions. AOA offers new OMT Designation for board-certified physicians The AOA board certification’s multi-specialty Distinct Osteopathic Examination Committee (DOEC) recently developed an exam for all AOA board certified physicians. This exam provides an opportunity for all specialties to have an OMT designation added to their primary AOA board certification. This new designation will comprise of two required parts: a written exam and a hands-on OMT performance exam. The written exam will consist of 70 multiple choice questions written by the DOEC, and the performance exam will require the demonstration of the appropriate OMT technique for three unique cases. For more information, please visit the OMT designation landing page. More in Lifestyle DO dermatologist Dr. Will is a cast member on NBC’s ‘Deal or No Deal Island’ As a TV veteran who has appeared on dozens of shows previously, Will Kirby, DO, brings a wealth of experience to the reality competition series. The best podcasts for DOs and osteopathic medical students to explore in 2025 The new year is a great time to pick up a new podcast. Stephanie Lee, DO, MS, recommends podcasts for every interest, including medicine, education, comedy and spirituality. Previous articleClimate change and health: A physician call for action Next articleThe current state of the osteopathic profession: An in-depth discussion with two veteran DOs
DO dermatologist Dr. Will is a cast member on NBC’s ‘Deal or No Deal Island’ As a TV veteran who has appeared on dozens of shows previously, Will Kirby, DO, brings a wealth of experience to the reality competition series.
The best podcasts for DOs and osteopathic medical students to explore in 2025 The new year is a great time to pick up a new podcast. Stephanie Lee, DO, MS, recommends podcasts for every interest, including medicine, education, comedy and spirituality.