Ink and scrubs Should doctors show their tattoos at work? DOs speak out The debate continues regarding tattooed doctors. Here’s what DOs have to say about showing ink while on the job. Nov. 14, 2018Wednesday Nikitta Foston Contact Nikitta Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email Topics tattoosworkplace For emergency physician Jedidiah Ballard, DO, the tattoo of a large wolf adorning his entire left shoulder represents his childhood in the rural mountains of the West. “I always had a pet wolf,” he says. “They were among my best childhood friends. I respect the strength, loyalty and intelligence of the animal.” The ink factor In the ER in Augusta, Georgia, Dr. Ballard says his tattoos often help him connect with patients. “I will show my tattoos to some patients to create an immediate bond, which is of great value in the fast pace of the emergency room,” he says. “Except a subtle cross on my wrist, my tattoos are covered by my scrubs.” A recent study of over 900 patients in the Emergency Medical Journal found that visible tattoos or piercings don’t affect patient perception of a doctor’s professionalism or competence. Forging connections Although tattoos have become much more accepted by the general public, physicians still have differing views when asked whether it’s appropriate for doctors to show their tattoos at work. Darrin Lund, DO, who is currently serving on active duty with the Army, says his tattoos help him create a rapport with soldiers. Darrin Lund, DO, shows his tattoo of Michigan and the Great Lakes. “I will be leaving active duty this summer, and I am currently interviewing for residency,” Dr. Lund says. “I don’t make an effort to hide my tattoos, as they are a part of who I am, just like my bow ties and goofy socks.” Roya Mahana, DO, got a large tattoo during her residency training and also found that it helped her connect with patients. When patients asked about her tattoo, Dr. Mahana often explains it: A dragonfly represents her mother, who she lost suddenly; a big elephant represents herself; and a baby elephant represents her son, who was born the week her mother died. Roya Mahana, DO, shows her watercolor tattoo of two elephants and a dragonfly. “So many times, that has opened the door for patients to be more open about themselves, which is helpful in their care because the more I know, the more I can help,” Dr. Mahana says. Currently, Dr. Mahana is required by her employer to cover her tattoo, however. “Hopefully, I can show it again one day at work and show more people that the tattoo does not make the doctor,” she says. Differing views While many DOs, like Dr. Ballard, have tattoos and are very much in favor of displaying them in the workplace, others have different views. The demographics of your patient population may determine the appropriateness of tattoos, says Anita Showalter, DO. “If you’re in a geriatric population, you’re sending a very different message than if you’re working with adolescents,” says Dr. Showalter, associate dean at Pacific Northwest University of Health Sciences in Yakima, Washington. Emergency physician Chris Giesa, DO, takes a more conservative view when it comes to tattoos in the workplace. “I know some of our docs have tattoos, but they’re covered by their scrubs, not out in the open,” says Dr. Giesa, who is president of the American College of Osteopathic Emergency Physicians. “Some of our medical technicians have tattoo sleeves. I personally don’t think that’s professional.” While tattoos don’t impact a physician’s ability to provide care, the presence of tattoos may stop patients from seeking care, says David Garza, DO. “If you have a patient that doesn’t like their doctor wearing tattoos, then they might not come. The interpretation is in the eyes of the other person,” he says. Dr. Garza is the head of the primary care residency program at Laredo Medical Center in Texas, a federally funded medical facility where employees are forbidden from showing their tattoos. Jeffrey Grove, DO, a family medicine physician in Largo, Florida, keeps an open mind. “As long as they’re professional-looking and somewhat discreet, I see no reason why tattoos can’t be a part of someone’s life,” says Dr. Grove. “I personally don’t have them, but it’s OK if someone else does.” For further reading: Does it matter if doctors wear white coats? What’s the ideal medical specialty for your personality? Single GME update: More than 6,600 AOA residency positions are now ACGME-accredited More in Lifestyle DO dermatologist Dr. Will is a cast member on NBC’s ‘Deal or No Deal Island’ As a TV veteran who has appeared on dozens of shows previously, Will Kirby, DO, brings a wealth of experience to the reality competition series. The best podcasts for DOs and osteopathic medical students to explore in 2025 The new year is a great time to pick up a new podcast. Stephanie Lee, DO, MS, recommends podcasts for every interest, including medicine, education, comedy and spirituality. Previous articleTop 10 gifts for doctors and med students this holiday season Next articleMass casualty incidents: 5 things emergency medicine doctors need to know
DO dermatologist Dr. Will is a cast member on NBC’s ‘Deal or No Deal Island’ As a TV veteran who has appeared on dozens of shows previously, Will Kirby, DO, brings a wealth of experience to the reality competition series.
The best podcasts for DOs and osteopathic medical students to explore in 2025 The new year is a great time to pick up a new podcast. Stephanie Lee, DO, MS, recommends podcasts for every interest, including medicine, education, comedy and spirituality.
As I have said before, the osteopathic profession is not a motorcycle gang! Respect the human body as it was created by God, not as a billboard for all of your personal messages. Nov. 15, 2018, at 7:40 am Reply
Thank you….Common sense and professional. Stay professional my dear colleagues and futures doctors. Dec. 12, 2018, at 2:58 pm Reply
The Bible stated the body is a sanctuary and should be respected as such. I have seen many tattoos in my medical carear and many are beautiful and some very crude and distasteful. They do provide a pattern of a journey but I believe a tattoo naive body also makes a statement of discipline and respect. I prefer to maintain my bodily respect and stay naive to tattoos. I prefer not to see them on the bodies of my staff and colleagues. Jan. 11, 2019, at 5:27 pm Reply
This seems highly judgmental when many scriptures state thou should not judge. Maybe judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged. There is no correlation between tattoos and permanent body ink and motorcycle gangs nor is its righteous in the eyes of the lord to look down upon others. If you are truly a follower of Jesus Christ and the lord, follow all his preachings and not just those you have chosen to follow. Pope Francis, though not the lord himself, and reserved as the head of Catholicism specifically, has spoken on the positive aspects of tattoos in the modern day and has publicly spoken on his approval of them and their ability to build community. Apr. 8, 2019, at 4:23 pm Reply
I’m a board certified anesthesiologist in practice for almost 20 years. I’m also a Navy reservist currently on deployment and have also served 8 years on active duty. I have several tattoos. The visible ones patients, family members and coworkers can see are the symbol of the 101st Airborne (when I spent 2 years with the Army), and my Naval hospital logo. In addition, my two kids’ names are on each arm. These tattoos represent the fact I’m a down to earth individual who is able to communicate with patients and their families on their level. There are plenty of patients who were either in the military, or have/had family members in the military. When they see my artwork, they’re much more at ease, knowing they will be treated with the care and respect they deserve. Nov. 15, 2018, at 8:01 am Reply
As a Jew there is a very simple answer to this “question.” For all of those that read the Torah see Levitcus 19:26-28 and we have an answer as clear as day fron the Creator of the world. The one G-d says no tattoos, no markings on the body and no scarification for it is the ways of the idolators to keep it simple. Even Moses Maimonides one of the greatest physicians of all time time goes into great detail about this issue as well. If you are doing G-ds work one should know how one should look. If you were never taught this then nothing you can do for you were uninformed. Nov. 15, 2018, at 8:24 am Reply
As a Jew we have a very simple answer to this very simple question. For all of those who read the Torah, see Leviticus 19:26-28 and we have the clearest answer one can have about this topic. The one G-d says, no tattoos, no markings on the body and no scarification for it is the ways of the idolators, to keep it simple. It is hard to argue with that. Even Moses Maimonides, one of the greatest physicians of all time, goes into great detail about this issue as well. If you were never taught this then nothing you can do for you were never informed. Nov. 15, 2018, at 8:42 am Reply
I have indeed read this multiple times, but I am afraid you have taken this scripture out of context. Who is the audience in the passage? The statement is clearly directed at a group of people who are openly worshiping false gods and using tattoos to ink themselves with false Gods. When in this context, you can understand the warning was not against tattoos directly, but indirectly. It was much more, a warning against worshiping anyone but the Lord. Sure you can make the “your body is a temple” argument, but that begs the question, in a temple do they simply build the walls and nothing else? or do they adorn it with God glorifying items and decorations? Sure the human body is not quite the same, But I have to imagine that someone with a tattoo of a cross on their arm which has directed many conversations about the Lord and possibly peoples’ salvation, How can God be upset if he receives the Glory? This ultimately turn into an argument not about sin and following the laws of religion, but one of culturally biased views on how one should masquerade their identity to fit into a mold that others have predetermined. Nov. 15, 2018, at 11:12 am Reply
The fact that there is even a question in this regard implies the answer: don’t. Tattoos offend some folks and not others. Share when appropriate but don’t force your culture or beliefs. Nov. 15, 2018, at 8:51 am Reply
I am a family medicine physician and a member of the Oglala Lakota, Diné, and Catawba tribes. I have several visible tattoos that I never try to cover up from my patients. They are symbols of my tribes and tattoos that represent my culture. I also have a visible semicolon tattoo in remembrance of a colleague who sadly took his own life. My patients never have a problem with my tattoos and often times it helps to forge a connection with my patients. When a patient suffering with depression or anxiety see my semicolon tattoo they know I’m an advocate for mental health. I feel as long as you aren’t showing off anything offensive that tattoos are not a problem whatsoever. I am a firm believer that we each have the right to express ourselves, some do with a haircut, some with the clothes they wear and others with their tattoos. More and more physicians are tattooed so for those who are offended, I’m sorry I am not sorry, but you will have to get used to it. Nov. 15, 2018, at 9:06 am Reply
Completely agree! My tattoos are hidden but I have no problem with visible tattoos as long as they are not offensive. I’m not a fan of biker sleeves myself but I wouldn’t be bothered if someone else had them if they again were not offensive. People should feel free to be an express themselves as they are. Sep. 21, 2019, at 3:34 pm Reply
This conversation is exactly what is wrong with the country today. We have individual liberties, rights, to do and say as we wish as long as it is not impeding another’s rights. If a patient does not respect their doctor’s intellect and bases their decision on presence of a tattoo, or any other quality, then that patient is free to exercise their decision making ability and change doctors – problem solved. Requiring staff to hide the presence of tattoos because they may impede access to healthcare is a joke – a tool used by some administrators to exert their power ( and personal beliefs) over those who will submit to it. On a larger scale eradicating anything potentially offensive to anyone, as is happening in our country now, isn’t going to bring us to a better place. Actually seems like it would bring us to a much less interesting and one-dimensional place. Interesting how diversity is such a promoted policy… except when those in power are actively and selectively squashing it. Show ’em if you got ’em. Nov. 15, 2018, at 9:07 am Reply
No patient has ever made a negative comment about tattoos in general or mine specifically. I have only one that can be seen, depending on the length of my sleeves, the others are covered. I have had patients ask me about the tattoo that they can see. I feel like they like knowing something personal about me since I know so many personal things about them. It’s a way they can start the conversation. I think other doctors have more of a problem with tattoos and piercings then any patients do. Way back in medical school I had other students complain to the administration about the fact that my piercings and tattoos were unprofessional. The admistration let me know about the complaint and pretty much told me that they didn’t care. I had the piercings and tattoos when I was interviewed for the school. Tattoos and piercings do not make you a bad doctor or unprofessional. Nov. 15, 2018, at 10:20 am Reply
Agree! I choose my doctors because of their character and quality of care, not how they look. I’m thinking of cutting my hair super short and shaving the sides (currently have medium length hair), which I and a friend (who does not work in healthcare) worried would look unprofessional in interviews. I saw a different friend who is applying to medical school who liked the pic I showed her of the hair cut I want, and told her I was worried about being thought of poorly by interviewers. She asked, “would you really want to be at a school where interviewers judged you by your hair?” The answer was an affirmative no. If a job or med school interviewer doesn’t like that I have super short hair as a woman, then I don’t want to work for them or go to their school. Sep. 21, 2019, at 3:38 pm Reply
It may be generational, but as I was growing up the only people who had tattoos were men returning from the WW II, Korea, or bad guys. I still find tattoos inappropriate and unprofessional. I have rarely met anyone who had one for many years and did not eventually regret it. Nov. 15, 2018, at 10:24 am Reply
I have had my first going on 23 yrs and have since acquired 5 additional- with plans to add at least one more— and I am 73 it’s young! So please research a little more before you say “almost all regret them”— at least that is how I interpret your statement “I have RARELY met…….”. Apr. 25, 2019, at 6:15 pm Reply
This is the 21st century and those things are the case anymore, so we need to adjust our thinking to things that are relevant Apr. 8, 2020, at 12:25 am Reply
Why should physicians be held to a “higher standard”? We don’t receive any special considerations from anyone. I, for one, really don’t care what anyone else thinks. That boat has sailed. Nov. 15, 2018, at 10:40 am Reply
I have never felt compelled to add a comment regarding any article. However this series of comments left me scratching my head. Tattoos although popular currently are associated with many health issues. Many of the inks used are not even FDA approved for human use. Not that FDA approval guarantees safety. Introducing a foreign substance into the human body is associated with many risks. There is always the risk of and abnormal immune system response to the ink. I have seen many patients with severe allergic reactions to their tattoos. This is often diagnosed as cellulitis and treated with antibiotics which do no good and may cause harm. Some of these reactions are permanent and if you follow them they never resolve completely and the person is left taking antihistamines daily. Over the life of the person what consequences is this foreign substance going to have on their overall health. We know that the tattoo inks once injected migrate to the lymph nodes and cause enlargement so are we going to see an increase in cancer risk related to this. This is not a question we will be able to answer for years to come. So when I see a professional with a tattoo I wonder how well they learned immunology, how much respect they have for the body and first and foremost how much respect they have for themselves. As a physician I do not want to see any provider with a tattoo. I support individualism on all levels but I don not support humans causing harm to themselves. Nov. 15, 2018, at 11:16 am Reply
I also have not commented here before but felt a need to. Feeling that way after reading your post against fellow physicians too. Humans have a right to do to themselves whatever they see fit. Your role as a physician is to educate not to condone or condemn. How many humans cause harm to their body with inappropriate behaviors, with addictions – drugs, work, food, Etc? Do you silently judge and question the intelligence of your celiacs for eating wheat, or your diabetics for eating candy? What behaviors do you engage in for which I could point out the ignorance of basic biological facts? Some flaws are more psychological though. Pride, arrogance and judgementalism? These can be dangerous and unhealthy behaviors too. As physicians, let’s stick to providing our patients with the facts, respecting our peers choices and keep the moral authoritarianism under control. Nov. 15, 2018, at 2:39 pm Reply
“Humans have a right to do to themselves whatever they see fit.” And our bosses and professions have a right also to uphold a higher standard. As an ophthalmologist i have seen chronic iritis in patients associated with tatoos. They are unhealthy and to many are unsightly. We have professional dress codes and that includes how you wear your clothes, and what you advertise on your skin, or what statements are written on your shirts, etc. Nov. 15, 2018, at 10:09 pm
Out of context? How many religious people do you see with tatoos? I dont recall any Prophets having them nor the pious. So its certainly not out of “context”. However, your interpretation is against the majority of religious scholars and is certainly out of context. Nov. 15, 2018, at 10:04 pm Reply
“And our bosses and professions have a right also to uphold a higher standard.” … and if that “higher standard” is based on your physical appearance, that is discrimination. It’s ok to admit you don’t like people because of their appearance or behavior. That is your right. But you shouldn’t limit others because of your inadequacies, intolerance and unwillingness to accept others. Nov. 16, 2018, at 10:01 am
Dr. Cook! Well written! Do no harm to yourself or your patients. Doctors, sure you can do as you like but be a good example in all things. Wow! Injecting foreign bodies into your body. SMH Apr. 26, 2019, at 4:51 pm Reply
The issue of a person getting tattoos in the Torah is an interesting one and is very clearly stated. The student Dillon posted a note which is a severe misinterpretation of what is written in very clear language. As a former Rabbinical student and physician I must clarify that the passage in Leviticus 19:27 states, “You shall not make cuts in your flesh for a person [who died]. You shall not etch a tattoo on yourselves. I am the Lord.” First of all G-d is saying this very straight forward passage. According to every major commentary since the Torah was given 3300 years ago it means exactly what it says. This passage prohibiting tattooing is also listed as Torah Law Negative Commandment Number 348 of the 613 Laws of the Torah (yes, the Torah has more than 10 commandments). The law quotes this exact passage from Leviticus, that we are commanded by G-d not to mark our bodies in the service of G-d like other nations. We are being told clearly and according to all commentaries how NOT to give G-d honor and how NOT to serve him. Dillon, you are inventing your own interpretations and spreading falsities according to all commentaries. According to “interpretation Dillon” you are in essence saying that if it feels good and you think you are giving honor to G-d just do it anyways no matter what the Torah or G-d tells you to do. You are unfortunately following your own false god for you seem not to understand what is clearly stated in black and white. Nov. 15, 2018, at 4:52 pm Reply
It seems that many of you don’t understand the concept of professionalism. Self expression is great, but there is a time and place for that. Where do you draw the line— Purple hair? A Mohawk? Piercings all over the face? A low cut shirt and miniskirt? Those are all fine and dandy on your own time, but when we are struggling daily to maintain respect and honor in our profession is that the best way to go about it? Most corporations have a dress code, especially for people of importance in the company. There is nothing wrong with that. You don’t wear jeans to a professional interview because it’s common sense. Let’s use that sense here. Nov. 15, 2018, at 10:04 pm Reply
Individual liberty here is about the patient, not the doctor. People have individual reactions to tattoos, some fearful for social reasons and some indifference. To most patients, particularly those over 50 a tattoo, at best, represent a lapse in judgement interfering with the doctor’s ability to inspire trust and confidence. My father once told me if I ever got a tattoo don’t come home. I modified it with my own kids and made them promise that they would think long and hard before ever doing anything irreversible to themselves. My son, who is also a surgeon, having been exposed to his own temptations, thanks me. Nov. 16, 2018, at 10:33 am Reply
Tattoos represent a Mind set to some patients they are a means of healing or wearing an everlasting reminder of a life experience perhaps worried that they might forget in their later anticipated Dementia. They can act as an indelible permanent badge of courage or valour or a permanent shrine. Tattoos also represent that the wearers were not affraid to endure the pain of getting them, or reckless enough exposure themselves to possible toxic ink and incurable disease exposures, and gives an outward message that they are not afraid to cross a line of rationality. So see the light and yes make your choices and deal with the consequences of your choice. It’s all about the wearer and less about the observer who risked no danger and hopefully respects the rights of others. I find it very personal between you and your own body unless you place the Tatto in an obvious exposed location when you make it the business of others. Jan. 11, 2019, at 6:06 pm Reply
I have never been a person to comment on message boards. I read this article because it pertained to me. I am a do, And I am covered in tattoos. Even in dress clothes they are visible. It didn’t stop me from getting a highly competitive residency spot. It has never hampered my ability to provide care for patients. If anyone out there is worried or upset about matching or finding a job just know the people who really care about these sort of things are dying off. Be an amazing doctor and express yourself. Professionalism is about compassion understanding and intelligence. Not about whether you have different colors on your skin or a nose ring. Also I’ll be bringing the pink Mohawk back at some point. Xo Nov. 16, 2018, at 1:45 pm Reply
I personally don’t have a tattoo, I do however have totally grey hair, that is long and worn in a flip pony tail. I have had so for almost 4-5 years now. I work in a community that is wealthy, older and very conservative. I am constantly amazed at how many of my older patients male and female ask me to take it down and show them. Perhaps it is my 20 yrs and already established representation, or how I carry it. Perhaps it is in the office I follow a dress code of coat and tie, or white coat and tie. In the hospital and ICU it is scrubs of course. I feel you can be un-professional and have no tats, conservative hair – or – be professional and be adorned. Some will always not like it, and that is probably how it goes. Nov. 19, 2018, at 2:40 pm Reply
We all want to follow the trends, & be in style. When I was a youth, tattoos were often considered sleazy. The way you entered the middle class if you grew up poor was to get a college education. The way you left the middle class was to get a tattoo. These days, tattoos are high style and often used for supposed self expression. I’ve heard many times the tattoo wearer romantically described the meaning of their skin image. “This tattoo represents my emergence from my struggle from….” “This tattoo is in memory of my grandfather…”. I had a patient this week with her entire back covered with a cat, sporting large angel wings. She chose to memorialize her deceased cat this way. Who am I to judge? We are all very focused on skin. So much mistreatment of others is based on how we look. Hatred of others due to skin color, children bullying other children because of their physical features, persecuting others because of their religious way of dressing, and the list continues. How superficial to judge & reject others because of their appearance! If your tattoo laden hands can intubate that dying child skillfully and save it’s life, sport all of the ink you want! May. 2, 2019, at 9:46 am Reply
I have only one tattoo given to me during a colonoscopy a few years ago by Art Berman DO. He showed me a picture where X marks the spot of a biopsy site on my transverse colon. Very few will ever see it. Oct. 12, 2019, at 8:07 am Reply
I see many comments about tattoos hampering professionalism but what do we say of the “straight laced” doctors with absolutely no empathy and lack of decent bedside manner? Does the absence of tattoos somehow make them and their ability to practice better in some way? If the best surgeon in your town was the only one able to perform a lifesaving surgery yet they had visible tattoos I’m sure the tune would change as you would notice that the tattoo(s) have no resounding impact on how well they can or cannot provide care. It is a new decade and hopefully the present mindsets change as well as the outdated tactic of using a section of the Bible for certain agendas and ignoring the countless other sections that contradict the points you present. Jan. 29, 2020, at 6:23 pm Reply
If your going to get a tattoo the safest way to do so (aside from not getting one at all) and not risk looking unprofessional is to get it in an area that is easily coverable. This way you can easily control when it will be shown and not. I don’t have any tattoos but I like them if they are well done and artistic. I do consider tattoos a form of art and getting tattoos can be your way of collecting art from a tattoo artist whose work you like. However, not everyone is going to respond favorably to them and if the perception of having then could affect your profession then make sure they can be easily covered up while at work. Dec. 7, 2020, at 1:33 pm Reply