Feb. 16, 2017Thursday geriatricspatient care Elder care Graying of America: How the elder boom could impact health care The elderly population is projected to nearly double in a few decades. Geriatricians discuss how health care could change in an older U.S.
Jan. 11, 2017Wednesday geriatricsJAOA Patient care Delirium can be a deadly threat to nursing home residents JAOA literature review offers clinical guidance for physicians and long-term care staff.
Feb. 18, 2016Thursday geriatricsHow I Practice How I practice DO revamps emergency medical care for senior patients Listening to a harpist perform while conducting screenings for geriatric conditions is all in a day’s work for Mark Rosenberg, DO.
Oct. 9, 2015Friday geriatricsvaccines Not just for kids Older adults fall short in vaccination rates for shingles, flu Vaccination is a lifelong health concern. DOs can use wellness visits to discuss vaccines with seniors.
Aug. 12, 2015Wednesday geriatricsosteopathic medical education Future geriatricians Texas med students learn about caring for elderly patients at home UNTHSC/TCOM students team up with local senior citizens to learn the osteopathic approach to home elder care.