Dec. 2, 2024Monday advocacyDO DayDO Day on Capitol Hill Advocacy BEL DO Day Scholarship applications due Dec. 20 The AOIA is looking for scholarship candidates who want to become more involved in medical advocacy and public policy.
June 1, 2023Thursday DO & student voicesDO DayDO Day on Capitol Hill Advocacy in action DO Day 2023 in review This year’s DO Day discussions focused on three major issues: Protecting access to patient care through Medicare physician payment reform, expansion of graduate medical education funding through the THCGME program and encouraging student loan reform. Advocacy By Alexis Cates, DO
Feb. 1, 2023Wednesday DO DayDO Day on Capitol HillNOM Week Advocacy and Leadership DO Day 2023 offers virtual and in-person opportunities, alongside NOM week Participate virtually April 15-16 and in Washington, D.C. April 19-20. Registration is now open.
Jan. 15, 2019Tuesday advocacyDO Day on Capitol Hillpolicy Advocacy in Action Make a difference at DO Day 2019 The biggest annual advocacy event for DOs and osteopathic medical students will take place March 4-5.
April 12, 2017Wednesday advocacyDO Day on Capitol Hill Keep the fire burning 3 steps osteopathic medical students can take to do year-round advocacy Continue advocating for the profession after DO Day with these steps.
April 6, 2017Thursday advocacyDO Day on Capitol Hillhealth care policy Advocacy on the Hill Video: DOs take on Capitol Hill to rally Congressional support for GME White coats as far as the eye could see marched through Capitol Hill for #DODay17.
April 5, 2017Wednesday DO Day on Capitol Hill Advocacy in action #DODay17: Over 1,000 white coats march in Washington DOs and students will spend the day conducting dozens of meetings with senators, members of Congress and legislative aides.
April 5, 2017Wednesday DO Day on Capitol Hill Policy matters #DODay17: Urging Congress to reauthorize teaching health center GME funding Federal funding for teaching health center graduate medical education is set to sunset in September.
April 15, 2016Friday DO Day on Capitol Hill Rallying for change Video: Medical students advocate for debt relief During DO Day this week, medical students told their lawmakers that overwhelming student debt leads to fewer primary care physicians.
April 14, 2016Thursday DO Day on Capitol Hillpain management On the Hill DOs, medical students educate nation’s lawmakers on pain management Nearly 1,100 DOs and students advocate for non-pharmacological alternatives to pain medication, including OMT.