June 11, 2015Thursday addiction medicineprescribing opioids Interprofessional connection Physicians and pharmacists work together to reduce opioid abuse Physicians and pharmacists must work together to stem the epidemic of overdose deaths, says DO pain expert.
April 17, 2015Friday addiction medicinebedside mannerchronic disease managementpatient care Hard work Handle with care: How to deal with 4 types of difficult patients Redirection, compassionate listening and boundary-setting are just a few tactics DOs employ when working with challenging patients.
April 3, 2015Friday addiction medicineemergency medicinepatient carepediatrics Practical, not preachy ‘Don’t drink, don’t smoke:’ Need a fresh way to talk to patients about risk? When educating patients about risky behaviors, DOs advise customizing the message to the patient’s age and socioeconomic background.
March 5, 2015Thursday addiction medicineinnovation Beyond Stigma DO blends addiction medicine, primary care at Chicago practice Primary care doctors with addiction expertise can create a safe medical home where patients can return for treatment, says Marla Kushner, DO.
Oct. 26, 2014Sunday addiction medicineOMED 2014 Prescription for Change US drug czar enlists DOs’ help curbing nation’s opioid epidemic Michael Botticelli, who runs the Office of National Drug Control Policy, spoke with DOs at OMED about his office’s priorities.
July 20, 2013Saturday addiction medicineHouse of Delegates Act Fast After a spike in deaths from opioid overdose, House pushes for intervention Resolution supports increased availability of naloxone hydrochloride, an opioid overdose reversal drug.
June 3, 2013Monday addiction medicineptsdtraumatic brain injuryveterans Helping Hand DO treats returning troops for TBI, PTSD Capt. Linda J. Fuller, DO, MC, USN (Ret.), leverages her military roots as an addiction psychiatrist for active-duty service members.