Feb. 25, 2020Tuesday Mental health Researchers recommend tapering off of antidepressants rather than abruptly stopping Researchers provide recommended tapering schedules for a number of commonly prescribed antidepressants.
Feb. 25, 2020Tuesday Patient care Study finds one additional meeting reduces hospital stays by up to 67% Integrated care conferences have a dramatic impact on the length of hospital stays, JAOA research found.
Feb. 5, 2020Wednesday Circadian disruption Shift workers at risk for heart disease, stroke and Type 2 diabetes The risks increase even more for those who work irregular or rotating shifts, as many in health care do.
Jan. 8, 2020Wednesday Research news Study finds 80% of medical students feel a low sense of personal achievement Medical school’s challenges are relentless and ever-changing. For many, it can feel very discouraging.
Dec. 16, 2019Monday Pharmacology Researchers say 30% of patients taking opioids experience adverse drug interactions Commonly prescribed medications that can cause drug interactions with several opioids include some antidepressants and antipsychotics.
Nov. 11, 2019Monday Research news Mayo Clinic researchers find dairy products associated with increased risk of prostate cancer The study authors found no clear association of increased risk of prostate cancer linked to other animal-based foods, including red and white meat, processed meats and fish. However, they identified a decreased risk of prostate cancer associated with plant-based diets.
Aug. 14, 2019Wednesday empathymedical studentsosteopathic medical education Soft skills Will medical schools start testing for empathy? A new JAOA study gauged the empathy levels of more than 16,000 DO students to establish a set of national norms, which serve as a benchmark for assessing future applicants’ suitability to the profession.
July 17, 2019Wednesday Research news Primary care doctors can help in early detection of melanoma, study finds Making primary care the frontline defense against melanoma via dermatoscopy can mean earlier detection with fewer biopsies, according to a study in The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association.
July 10, 2019Wednesday vaccine safety Public opinion Survey finds nearly half of American adults doubt the safety of vaccines Physicians say even small margins of doubt over vaccine safety and efficacy can cause significant damage to public health if they result in more unvaccinated people.
June 19, 2019Wednesday cancer detectioncancer-sniffing dogs Canine cancer detection Cancer-sniffing dogs 97% accurate in identifying lung cancer JAOA researchers say the dogs’ abilities may lead to the development of an effective, safe and inexpensive means for mass cancer screening.