Aug. 1, 2022Monday medical specialties Internal medicine Internal medicine: What other docs should know Internal medicine physicians take pride in their work, but wish there were a few things their colleagues knew about the specialty. The Specialist By David O. Shumway, DO
June 1, 2022Wednesday GMEresidency GME Residency hacks: 3 ways to become more efficient every day The time-management struggle in residency is real, but these hacks can help you win back precious moments to spend as you see fit. Resident Notebook By David O. Shumway, DO
March 1, 2022Tuesday residency Life after Match 5 things you can do to prepare for residency before the first day Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need to memorize every word of Harrison’s before orientation week. Resident Notebook By David O. Shumway, DO
Dec. 15, 2021Wednesday DO & student voices A Christmas story Santa in the ER Being a doctor means being prepared for anything that might come through the door. You never know when you might just save Christmas.