Oct. 2, 2023Monday legislationnaloxoneOMED Fall updates No tricks here—just October advocacy treats! Learn about an exciting advocacy opportunity set to be announced at OMED23 and opportunities to support legislation that impacts physicians. Advocacy By Alexis Cates, DO
Aug. 1, 2023Tuesday advocacypostpartumpregnancy Maternal health Safer meds for moms and babies: Bill aims to include pregnant and lactating people in more clinical trials The pregnant or lactating person is responsible for making decisions for both themselves and the developing fetus or young child—they should have the option to obtain informed consent to proceed in a clinical trial if they desire. Advocacy By Alexis Cates, DO
June 1, 2023Thursday DO & student voicesDO DayDO Day on Capitol Hill Advocacy in action DO Day 2023 in review This year’s DO Day discussions focused on three major issues: Protecting access to patient care through Medicare physician payment reform, expansion of graduate medical education funding through the THCGME program and encouraging student loan reform. Advocacy By Alexis Cates, DO
March 1, 2023Wednesday opioid addiction treatment Looking ahead The extinct X-waiver: What every DO should know about the future of opioid use disorder management The X-waiver required practitioners to complete a training course and submit a notice of intent to the DEA and SAMHSA. Advocacy By Alexis Cates, DO
Feb. 1, 2023Wednesday advocacy Capitol Hill New year, new Congress Here’s what DOs and osteopathic medical students need to know about the 118th Congress. Advocacy By Alexis Cates, DO
Dec. 1, 2022Thursday Addiction medicine advocacy Fighting for what’s right: How a Pennsylvania DO is supporting patients who are battling addiction Working with state and specialty societies, James Latronica, DO, has focused his advocacy efforts on patients with substance use disorders. Advocacy By Alexis Cates, DO
Oct. 1, 2022Saturday advocacy Making connections Physician advocacy: Tips for communicating with legislators via phone, letters and face-to-face I’m here to share some of the knowledge I’ve gained from my years of advocating for physicians at the state and national levels. Advocacy By Alexis Cates, DO
July 1, 2022Friday Making a difference How one medical student is passing more than just tests—he’s passing legislation! Indiana legislation calls for grants for programs for free testing for bone marrow donation registries, public education of bone marrow donation and more. Advocacy By Alexis Cates, DO
June 1, 2022Wednesday advocacyDO Daytelemedicine Advocacy in action DO Day 2022 participants advocate for loan repayment, telemedicine and stopping Medicare cuts The osteopathic medical family reunited in person and virtually to advocate for patients and physicians. Advocacy By Alexis Cates, DO
April 1, 2022Friday telemedicine Access to care CONNECTions for all: Expanding coverage for telemedicine beyond COVID Learn about advocacy opportunities to support a permanent expansion coverage for telehealth services. Advocacy By Alexis Cates, DO