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OMED22 conference program now available

Get a detailed breakdown of CME sessions for your specialty, information on conference-wide events and more.


The conference program for OMED22, a hybrid event taking place Oct. 27-30 in Boston, Massachusetts and online, is now available here. The program includes the schedule of CME sessions for 18 specialties as well as detailed information on conference-wide general sessions, networking events, keynote speakers, panel discussions and symposia.

The program also includes information about the following special conference tracks:

  • Resident Track
  • Student Track
  • Pre-Medical Student Track
  • AOIA Innovation Track
  • Culturally Competent Care Track

OMED22 offers the opportunity to earn up to 60 CME credits (AOA Category 1/AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™) across a broad spectrum of specialties. Following the conference, CME sessions and virtual exhibits will be available to OMED participants on-demand through Dec. 31. Start mapping out your OMED experience today by checking out the conference program. Register for OMED here.

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