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ICYMI: physician burnout, e-cigs, population health

Three top stories from around the web.

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1. We need to talk more about physician burnout

Offering wellness programs is just the beginning to tackling physician burnout, write two physicians in an opinion piece for Scientific American. Challenging the systemic issues in medicine need to be part of finding a solution, they write. Additionally, physicians should focus on developing new, innovative models of care delivery that give physicians both financial security and the time they need to establish meaningful relationships with patients, they note—a tall order that may require a cultural shift in medicine as a whole. —Scientific American

2. FDA sued for delaying e-cigarette, cigar regulations

Several health organizations are suing the Food and Drug Administration for extending the deadline for product review applications from electronic cigarette and cigar companies. They argue that it is unacceptable to allow some of these products to stay on the market.

Learn more about the fight to take down the tobacco companies.—Washington Post

3. Collaboration is helping underserved communities receive better health care

Patient health goes beyond the hospital. Sharing leadership roles with community partnership organizations and giving them a voice is crucial to seeing noticeable health improvements.

The success of hospital-community partnerships starts with understanding the needs of the patient community. —The Pacific Standard

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