ICYMI: community health, kratom and diversity in medicine

Three top stories from around the web.


There’s a lot happening in medicine and health care. Catch up on some of the top stories you might have missed. Interested in more news about the osteopathic profession? Check out our Newsbriefs.

1. Why hospitals are subsidizing apartments for the homeless

Homelessness can be a symptom and cause for chronic health issues. The University of Illinois Hospital partnered with The Center for Housing and Health to give 26 ER patients, who were constantly in and out of the hospital, supportive housing to improve their health outcomes. The investment made a substantial impact as, on average, health care costs per patient dropped 18% each month.

Learn more about the program and how housing can improve community health. —Fast Company

2. Kratom now an opioid, FDA says

Herbal supplement kratom has gained popularity in the U.S. treating pain, anxiety and drug dependence. Food and Drug Administration scientists have recently concluded kratom is an opioid.

The FDA recommends that the substance should not be used as an alternative to opioids. —Medscape

3. These doctors are trying to get more people of color to join their ranks. What some have overcome is startling.

While African-Americans make up 12% of the U.S. population, only about 6% of doctors are black.  The Tour for Diversity in Medicine is trying to change that. The group of health care professionals travels around the U.S. to engage and inspire young minorities who are interested in pursuing careers in health care.

Watch the video vignettes to hear stories firsthand about issues facing people of color in medicine. —STAT News

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