Beyond State Lines

Quiz: Do you qualify for licensure through the Interstate Medical Licensure Compact?

Learn more about the qualifications needed to apply, which states are accepting applications and the costs for licensure.

Practicing medicine across state lines has gotten easier. Physicians in certain states can now apply for multistate licensure through the Interstate Medical Licensure Compact. Note that AOA profiles can be used as a primary source of verification. Contact [email protected] if you have questions. Take the quiz and see if you qualify or apply now.

Visit for more information and to apply for multistate licensure. Email the AOA with any questions. See below for a breakdown of multistate licensure costs and fees.

One comment

  1. Steven D. Lamer DO

    Hi, my name is Steven D. Lamer DO and I am board certified in Family Medicine and I am interested in moving to Florida. I am licensed in Arizona, Nebraska, Iowa and Illinois, and I have a dormant license in Indiana. What agency would you recommend to me to assist me in that process.

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