News in Brief PCPCC celebrates a decade of innovation in primary care at conference The conference will address best practices to deliver patient-centered care and strategies to transition to a new payment model. Oct. 18, 2016Tuesday The DO Staff Contact The DO Staff Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email Topics primary care The Patient-Centered Primary Care Collaborative (PCPCC) is celebrating its 10th anniversary during its annual fall conference Nov. 9-11 in Washington, D.C. The conference kicks off Wednesday, Nov. 9, with a reception sponsored by the AOA followed by an anniversary celebration and awards dinner. AOA CEO Adrienne White-Faines, MPA, will moderate a panel discussion on Thursday, Nov. 10, about the best practices for delivering patient-centered team-based care. Other panel discussion topics include a post-election analysis and the transition from volume-based to value-based payment reform. On Friday, Nov. 11, PCPCC has planned an all-day training session for patient advisor and clinician partner training. The training will cover ways to collaborate with physicians and support patient-centered care. Learn more about the conference. More in Newsbriefs Free holistic residency application review platform will soon be available for residency programs that use ERAS Cortex, an AI-enabled platform, is designed to provide technology-assisted holistic review by streamlining application screening and review. AOA’s research grants workshop will guide applicants through funding process The Nov. 14 workshop will cover important topics such as RFA/NOFOs and available funding amounts. Previous articleIn Memoriam: Oct. 18, 2016 Next articlePCOM library receives grant to study patient health literacy
Free holistic residency application review platform will soon be available for residency programs that use ERAS Cortex, an AI-enabled platform, is designed to provide technology-assisted holistic review by streamlining application screening and review.
AOA’s research grants workshop will guide applicants through funding process The Nov. 14 workshop will cover important topics such as RFA/NOFOs and available funding amounts.