Jan. 7, 2025Tuesday student leadershipstudents Blazing a trail Being a first-generation student doesn’t end in medical school: A call for more research and support after undergrad While first-generation students often have significant resources to draw from in undergrad, many of those resources are not available for FG med students. A group of DO students aims to change that.
Dec. 1, 2023Friday advocacystudent leadership Student advocacy Students and health policy: The importance of getting involved and where to start Osteopathic medical students have a variety of opportunities available to them when it comes to participating in and influencing the health care policies that will directly impact their future patients.
June 1, 2022Wednesday leadershipmedical schoolstudent leadership Taking the lead 5 ways to succeed in leadership positions in medical school As an OMS II who’s had several leadership positions, here are my five biggest tips for success in leadership roles during medical school.
June 27, 2018Wednesday SOMAstudent leadership A leader in the making Advocacy in action: SOMA president talks about what med students want After making headway in LGBTQ advocacy at her COM, new SOMA president Kate de Klerk, OMS IV, is ready to serve medical students at a higher level.