Feb. 15, 2019Friday AMAepidemiologypublic health And the award goes to Alaska DO’s fight for cancer screening and prevention earns her an AMA award Ellen Provost, DO, is honored for her career-long commitment to improving public health in the Alaska Native population.
April 5, 2017Wednesday advocacypublic health News in brief Ideas to improve public health shared in #NPHWChat The AOA joined the National Public Health Week Twitter chat to share how DOs are taking steps to improve public health.
April 4, 2017Tuesday advocacypublic health News in brief Celebrating National Public Health Week Join public health professionals across the country in raising awareness of the major threats to public health.
April 4, 2017Tuesday JAOAosteopathic medical educationpublic healthresearchvideo News in brief Public health students can help physicians improve health equity, JAOA study reports Interprofessional education may help students in clinical programs to recognize social determinants of health.
April 13, 2016Wednesday preventive medicinepublic health It takes a village DC health department chief of staff advises DOs on public health Jacqueline A. Watson, DO, wants more clinicians to understand the social determinants of health and how they can make an impact.
April 8, 2016Friday diabetespublic health Creating change Where clinical practice and public health intersect Here’s how three DOs in North Carolina, New Hampshire and West Virginia are improving public health in their communities.
April 10, 2015Friday pediatricspublic healthvaccines Immunization nation Your questions answered: Pediatric vaccines What’s the best way to advise parents who refuse to vaccinate their kids? DO experts answer this and other common questions about vaccines.
April 9, 2015Thursday innovationpublic healthresearch Bright Spotting Finding patient experts: How to conduct positive deviance research Clinical data analysis can lead you to patients who’ve improved their health despite steep odds, and whose knowledge could help their peers.
April 7, 2015Tuesday innovationpublic health Grassroots Action Public health project taps into superstar patients’ expertise Cole Zanetti, DO, explains how his primary care team mined clinical data to connect with “bright spotter” diabetes patients who’ve turned their health around.