Feb. 28, 2018Wednesday JAOA Health update JAOA review: Low magnesium levels make Vitamin D ineffective Up to 50 percent of U.S. population is magnesium deficient, a new review in The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association suggests.
Feb. 14, 2018Wednesday cannabiscannabis dosingJAOA Cannabis 101 What to know before prescribing cannabis Rates of absorption and psychoactive effects vary widely between inhaled and ingested cannabis, according to comprehensive research in The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association.
Dec. 13, 2017Wednesday JAOApatient careresearchsexual assault Patient Care Identifying patients with a history of sexual assault can improve care High-profile sexual assault allegations point to need for patient screening, OUHCOM researchers say.
Nov. 27, 2017Monday JAOAmultiple sclerosis Slowing the rate of decline MS patients who adhere to treatment have higher health costs—and better outcomes A JAOA study offers evidence that costly medications are effective in slowing the progression of multiple sclerosis.
Nov. 27, 2017Monday JAOA Research update Infants with extra fingers may receive non-evidence-based, complication-prone treatment The standard method for removing extra fingers in infancy often causes complications, according to research published in the JAOA.
Oct. 31, 2017Tuesday JAOAmental healthresearch Power in numbers Study finds group exercise reduces stress more than solo workouts do Group exercise participants experienced a 26 percent reduction in stress and improved mental, physical and emotional quality of life.
Oct. 4, 2017Wednesday graduate medical educationJAOAsingle GME accreditation Single GME accreditation Osteopathic medical students, residents, and faculty want osteopathic recognition In a new study, more than two-thirds of respondents reported that osteopathic recognition was important.
Oct. 3, 2017Tuesday concussionJAOA Concussion Update Concussion recovery time for teen girl athletes is twice as long as it is for boys Pre-existing conditions that are more prevalent in girls, including headaches, depression and anxiety, increase concussion recovery time.
Sept. 5, 2017Tuesday JAOAophthalmology Ophthalmology focus DOs explain how OMT can treat common eye conditions DOs recommend specific techniques to treat dry eye, eye strain and other eye conditions in a recent article in The JAOA.
Aug. 8, 2017Tuesday JAOAnutritionobesityresearch Sugar, Sugar Reducing fructose intake quickly delivers positive metabolic effects, JAOA study finds Researchers find it’s not the fat, it’s the sugar. Improvements in metabolic measures occur in as little as nine days of fructose restriction.