Dec. 3, 2019Tuesday advocacygeneral surgeryhealth policyJD/DO Q&A Why this surgery resident is excited about the future of osteopathic medicine “A lot of answers to our health problems lie in the tenets of osteopathic medicine,” says Carisa Champion, DO, MPH, JD.
Feb. 6, 2019Wednesday AOA policyhealth policyhealthcare policy DO Priorities for DC DOs prepare to ask federal lawmakers for meaningful policy changes Lowering administrative burdens for physicians and supporting DO workforce development top the list of advocacy asks in Washington.
Nov. 28, 2018Wednesday advocacyhealth policyLEAD Conference Leading the way J.D. Polk, DO, chief medical officer for NASA, to speak at LEAD 2019 Hear from Dr. Polk and other DO trailblazers at the Leadership, Education, Advocacy & Development conference, Jan. 24-25, near Las Vegas.