Jan. 16, 2025Thursday 150 years of DOsAT Stillosteopathic history Osteopathic history 2 historical artifacts reveal new details about A.T. Still, MD, DO, and the early years of osteopathic medicine The Museum of Osteopathic Medicine shares two recent acquisitions, including a letter from Mark Twain.
Aug. 6, 2024Tuesday AT StillHOD 2024 Past, present, future A.T. Still Memorial Lecture: ‘Osteopathic physicians are the physicians our nation needs’ The ideas and teachings of A.T. Still, MD, DO, remain incredibly relevant today, notes Thomas A. Cavalieri, DO, particularly when it comes to geriatric care.
June 14, 2024Friday 150 years of DOsAT Stillosteopathic history Osteopathic history Two historical artifacts reveal details about the start of osteopathic medicine As the profession celebrates 150 years, the Museum of Osteopathic Medicine shares two compelling items from its collection, including a cast of A.T. Still, MD, DO’s hand.
May 31, 2024Friday 150 years of DOsAT Stillpatient careThe DO book club Life story The DO Book Club, June 2024: ‘Autobiography of Andrew T. Still’ As the profession celebrates 150 years of osteopathic medicine, here’s a closer look at the autobiography of A.T. Still, DO, MD. The DO Book Club By Katie Arvia
March 29, 2024Friday AT Stillmedical journalismosteopathic history Osteopathic history How 19th-century news coverage helped shape the early years of osteopathic medicine The press played a pivotal role in broadcasting the new philosophy of holistic care and shaping the public perception and acceptance of osteopathic practices.
Aug. 15, 2023Tuesday AT StillHOD2023House of Delegatesmemorial Future of the profession A.T. Still Memorial Lecture: ‘The resiliency of our profession perseveres’ Kenneth J. Veit, DO, senior vice president of academic affairs at PCOM, discusses the profession’s past, present and future during the 2023 A.T. Still Memorial Lecture.
Feb. 1, 2023Wednesday AT Stillosteopathic history Women in medicine A.T. Still’s first osteopathic medical school class included 6 women: We talked to some of their descendants For National Women Physicians Day (Feb. 3), The DO explores the legacy of the profession’s pioneer women.
Sept. 1, 2022Thursday AT Stillawardsosteopathic recognition Leadership DO neurosurgeon recognized, osteopathic museum receives accreditation, ATSU program receives award Read about the recent professional recognitions and accomplishments the osteopathic medical profession is currently celebrating.