DOs and nephrology Nephrology and osteopathic medicine: Closer than we realize Although perhaps not an obvious choice for doctors of osteopathic medicine, more and more DOs are pursuing nephrology. Mark Baldwin, DO, explores the relationship between this complex specialty and osteopathic practices. Feb. 1, 2023WednesdayFebruary 2023 issue The Specialist Mark D. Baldwin DO, FACOI, FASN Mark Baldwin is a professor and Chair of the Department of Internal Medicine at Pacific Northwest University of Health Sciences, College of Osteopathic Medicine in Yakima, Washington. Contact Dr. Baldwin
NASA DO shares updates on AI in space James D. Polk, DO, discusses the exponential growth of the commercial space industry. He also notes that AI and other advancements are making staying healthy in space easier.
White House DO shares lessons learned, advice for a fulfilling career Kevin O’Connor, DO, recently spoke at OMED24, where he discussed his trajectory from the military to the White House and what he learned from the people who helped guide him along the way.
I treated an eighty-three y/o male veteran in Chronic Renal Failure, anuric & on dialysis. He presented to me with lumbar stenosis. His lumbar & thoracic spines were frozen with chronic spasm and lost lordosis. I used indirect & inhibitory technique to the lumbo-sacral paraspinals with some relief of pain at time of treatment. That night, he made his first urine in three years (less than a cup full, and the family flushed it away). I would have loved to test it. Three more visits applied similar Osteopathic technique to the same regions, but he made no more urine. There is something in there….something that only Osteopathy can offer to Nephrology…..something in there that we DO’s can get our hands on. Feb. 9, 2023, at 4:03 pm Reply