Dec. 14, 2023Thursday research New developments Blood pressure management, risks and benefits of cannabis use and psilocybin treatment for MDD The DO has compiled three new medical studies that DOs will find valuable and relevant to their work. Research By Mauricio W. Jones, DO
July 10, 2023Monday research New studies Prostate cancer outcomes, mortality rates among US children and adolescents, labor-related complications after elective induction The DO has compiled three recent medical studies that DOs will find relevant. Research By Mauricio W. Jones, DO
April 2, 2023Sunday research Eye on research Research explores advancement of DEI in med schools, older adults’ addiction to highly processed foods and more We have scoured through the latest medical research and studies to find the latest information that DOs will find relevant. Research By Mauricio W. Jones, DO
Jan. 9, 2023Monday Recent studies Latest studies examine diet’s impact on cognitive abilities and cardiovascular disease New medical research takes a closer look at diet and health issues like cognitive decline and cardiovascular disease. Research By Mauricio W. Jones, DO
Oct. 1, 2022Saturday research The latest New research covers social media and depression symptoms, pre-term children and school, monkeypox Two original studies, a commentary piece and a CDC bulletin share vital information relevant to many DOs practicing medicine. Research By Mauricio W. Jones, DO
June 1, 2022Wednesday New research Latest medical research sheds light on mask mandates, cardiovascular disease The DO has combed through recent medical studies to find four pieces that DOs will find pertinent. Research By Mauricio W. Jones, DO
Feb. 1, 2022Tuesday Exciting new studies Recent studies shed light on diabetes, mask efficacy, COPD treatment and Alzheimer’s disease Read about four studies that are relevant to many DOs and the work they do. Research By Mauricio W. Jones, DO